
The internet was famously slow in 1862.

All I need to say about this is we ordered two units, one from Amazon for me and one from Target for a buddy. And his arrived first. From Target.

Kotaku users don’t mak sense sometimes bruh

I called the whole Yoruba/Ifa/Santeria/Orisha connection yesterday on here but instead I got ripped to shreds by people saying it was just leet speak and leet speak alone. That it was a huge stretch.

i’ve started writing 4 different comments here, but none of them seemed worthy or enough.


Anyone else going to be positively GIDDY if it turns out a Republican made the leaks? Anyone else going to squeal in glee? Just me? Okay.

And anyway, if that ends up being the case you know Trump will say it was an honest mistake and they didn’t mean to leak things. And he should know about “leaking” things. Golden

Who wore it best?

You ok?


Guys, i’m starting to think that electing a reality TV star with 5 military deferments to command one of the world’s largest armed forces may not have been the best idea.

Now this is cosplay I can enjoy.

I nearly fell out when I heard the part about Nicki’s brother. I literally had my hand to my chest while listening to this entire thing.

“I’m automatically attracted to beautiful women — I just start kissing them, it’s like a magnet. Just kiss. I don’t even wait. And when you’re a star, they let you do it. You can do anything. Grab ‘em by the pussy.”

And here he is before his geeky makeunder:

Honestly I’m not sure what else the 78-112 demographic watches.

Holy. Shit. “Yes, I am a man and you as a woman, should have come up with a better solution than diapers and plugs, but you didn’t. Reason being women are focused on and distracted by your period 25% of the time, making them far less productive than they could be.”


Its good to see game developers really go out there to explore all these very different types of protagonists.