I adore the double jump in Death Stranding, mainly because i enjoy endangering my Pickled Fetus’s existence.
I adore the double jump in Death Stranding, mainly because i enjoy endangering my Pickled Fetus’s existence.
HONK – The 5th Survivor
Old time love for Breath of Fire 3 and 4. Those had the best fishing games I’d played as a minigame up till FF XV (which definitely deserves its place here).
The landslides....the landslides...
Pulling some fucked-up bullshit like this makes me not want to play a studio’s new game.
This is basically what happened. No idea why people look past all of the obvious.
This may sound crazy, but if you loved everything about the older game and its playstyle... you can still play the older game with its playstyle. It will always be there. For something new, I can see why they’d want to modernize some aspects because that battle system is 20+ years old and they get to bring back…
I love what I’m seeing from the combat system. They took the skeleton they had from XV and added old school FF elements. Seems like a good compromise between the old and new.
This is pretty much the best option imo. There’s no way it would appeal to a wide audience if it was an old turn based combat style. This is a compromise that blends action-rpg with turn-based RPG and it looks absolutely amazing to me.
I mean, you could just keep playing the original. I was impressed by the combat on this.
Followed by
Yah it's too bad really. I wish there was a way to play ff7 as it was originally imagined, as a turn-based game, but there's no way for anyone to do that anymore. Very tragic
“Screw developer’s vision”
He got up and walked away. He wasn’t entitled to a do-over. Simple as that.
which is frustrating, because I played it more for the FF than the Disney.