
There are plenty of janky combos. A 2 card turn 4 combo is anything but jank.

I never saw it coming.

This guy can really hold a grudge.

He was going to wipe out the bottom 8 universes anyway and is now holding a tournament with those 8 where the winner gets to keep there universe. All Goku wanted was a tournament with all the universes. Zeno and maybe the Grand Priest are the villains here.

They didn’t even have the budget for proper cut scenes.

People keep saying that but it’s just not true.

I sure hope Walmart, Best Buy or Gamestop has some Wii U copies cause Amazon fucked up their stock bad. I pre-ordered in April with my Prime membership and I have no estimated delivery date and some people are saying they have an April estimated delivery date.

I hope the Wii U version works cause I really don’t want to buy a $400 Zelda game.

I hope it has a better story and characters than XBCX did.

I’ve found it. The two words that make me cringe harder than anything. “Shippers clash”.

Maybe this would have given us a reason to care about any of them.

Shit like this is why people hate us anime fans.

Poland was my favorite in Civ 5.

One of my favorite moments so far was a random fight with a gryphon. I parried it’s swooping attacks and it even grabbed me and threw me. The best part was the end when it fled by flying straight up high in the air and I chased it down with about 10 warp strikes before killing it and falling over 100 feet to the

  • Patch to give Quina less of a personality

They could have made anything else, but a Knack sequel? Why?

Del Toro and Mads Mikkelsen too. Awesome.

I’m still early in the game, and skipped the article, but I did find a level 45 and 50 dungeon already just by exploring. I was level 7 so I got destroyed quickly. But I’m looking forward to finding more.
