I’ve been playing offline after hearing about the hackers that could soft-ban you. It’s actually made it easier to complete npc quest lines now that any summon signs I can see are npc ones.
I’ve been playing offline after hearing about the hackers that could soft-ban you. It’s actually made it easier to complete npc quest lines now that any summon signs I can see are npc ones.
Sony showed off the Ps4 and gave it a price before announcing a release date.
They announced a release date without showing what it is? That’s strange.
What a fucking prick.
Kratos was such an insufferable dick that I never bothered to play any games after the first one.
I’ve been enjoying the pvp a lot in this one. Last night I invaded for the first time and went up against 3 opponents by myself. I lasted for 5 minutes before dying but it was pretty close a few times. It was exhilarating.
Final Fantasy 10. Transferred my PS3 save to PS4 and resumed my game from almost a year ago. I was at the Thunder Plains doing the lightning dodging when I left off. I did it last night though and found the best way.
I’m getting real tired of all these new Star Wars leads. How dare they shoehorn them into the Star Wars universe.
I hit a wall at the end game as soon as I got there. Dark Zone is impossible when other players will one shot you every time and follow you around everywhere.
Play Arts Kai figures are around $150 alone.
And a CGI movie! Daaaamn!!!
I couldn’t find Daredevil in Hell’s Kitchen. 2/10.
What about the Winston pose?
Another gimmick console?
I don’t know if “intimidated” is the right word.
A kid in school had a Charizard and said he’d give it to me if I had a card that could beat it because Charizard was the”strongest ever”. I pulled out my Gyarados and thanks to elemental advantage, it would destroy a Charizard. Of course the kid didn’t give it to me, and I hated him forever after that.
Did you try the alternate movement option yet? They added in a patch for that and it works a lot better.
Kreia is still the best Star Wars villain.