
We need to send this guy an extraction chopper asap.

If it helps, it happens in the first 15 or 20 minutes and was heavily advertised before the game came out.

Plans are fragile things and life often dashes expectations to the ground.

Game took me 5-6 hours and I even missed a few things. Loved it a lot. Slow down and explore when you play this game. Don’t just go from objective to objective.

The charcoal industry should sponsor more Yakuza localization's.

I honestly don’t think this is any better or worse than Kotaku’s own sponsored posts. And I know you have a separate editorial team, but most Youtuber’s work for themselves.

Calling something you don’t like a disease is a disease.

Remember everybody, a Wii shovelware game will force teens to have unprotected sex. It has nothing to do with there raging hormones or 19th century sexual education.

I’m sorry to see you really didn’t understand this show at all. No mention of the Hero Association’s many flaws that drive what OPM is actually about. And Saitama is a sociopath? Really?

I was very disappointed that the events in Masked Empire were barely addressed in Inquisition.

He should be expecting a bad UTI soon if he used a homemade one. lol

If he really cared he would have put a catheter in.

And this is why a company should not contribute to Patreon users. It should be individual donors. And preferably anonymous if you have any kind of conflict of interest.

I’m sure the students would love this. The teachers on the other hand...

Idol culture is so fucked up.

I really need to finish this game.

Not just shooters.

Wrong wrong wrong wrong. Wrong wrong wrong wrong.

Potato pie, here I come.

Now playing

I actually prefer the GDC 2013 trailer. The one with “Not Your Kind of People” by Garbage.