
Three years later, no update? :(

What is the bigger waste: the FBI monitoring Amazon Echos, or people BUYING Amazon Echos?

A million times, this. Screw Elio and their nonsense, this is a base car for the people. Can’t beat the deals right now, as well.

Would this be “art” if it were all men?

As a young person, any time an ad starts out with “hey young person!” I am immediately bot interested. Your response of “too vague” is, ironically, not detailed enough for me to understand. You said no automaker can market to the youth. I asked you not to lump them all in together. You asked for companies that have

Ford, Volkswagen, Mazda. Before you go on with how “they weren’t marketing to young people,” they have advertisements that tell me about their cars and don’t treat me like a moron. As a young person (millennial as defined here), I appreciate that.

Please do not lump all automakers together. :(

Or stop factory farming, and we can reduce our green house gasses by 50%...and let us enjoy our cars. (FF pollutants more closely related to this would be waste run off, but the hazards here are a mere fraction from our FF damage to the planet.)

For some reason I was expecting an article! Well, you succeeded partially...I did click on your bait. (No video, though)

Tips for driving an automatic. Shouldn’t this be a jezebel article?

Thanks for using a whole new page to tell me where to find the (real) article you took these couple things from.

Climate change? All modes of transportation combined (boats, trains, cars, all) are about 15% of green house gasses. Factory farming is about 50%. As reported by the United Nations, that is.

She would have written murderer. If she was still alive.

Bless you. Doing God’s work. (Except he’d demand three pedals)


I don’t think anyone would dispute SUVs are (mostly) wagons on stilts :)

That’s a nice wagon! It started as a joke with an ex, who loved hatchbacks but HATED wagons. She drove a Pontiac Vibe, and I started joking that it wasn’t a hatchback, since the window popped. It isn’t one piece, a hatch, so it must be a wagon! I was joking, but thinking more and more about it (sad life...lol), I

Yes sir! It’s a shame Volvo did that :'(

FLAME SUIT ON. I’ve always liked the looks of the Panamera, and although I think this looks better, I don’t see the point in making both as they are so similar. If I had (or could lol) to choose, I’d take this one. And a manual swap, please...

The real rule of wagon is that the rear window pops from the hatch. Stationary rear window? Hatchback. Window opens to access storage? Wagon. GET IT RIGHT! :)