
Ok, that supermarket displaces 50 homes bc of all the space taken up by surface parking, not the store itself. Or you can do what they do in a lot of other places- build a supermarket and business on the ground floor, and housing above. Try looking at a map of any suburban commercial development and you can see how

Ok, you completely disproved yourself in your own statement. Most cities in the US, especially the post WWII built environment, make extensive use of single-use zoning in large swathes, leading to the situation you described- housing in one area that is not convenient to where people work, and other destinations like

This is such a straw man argument. This is a master planned community, you think they aren’t going to set aside some space for this? Also, It doesn’t take a lot of space to house a bunch of cars for people to share: if they can’t be rented overnight, then that would be the only time they would all be in the same place


Yeah, people live like this the world over. I’ve lived in cities that make south Florida seem pleasant, and am from and currently live in a hot and dry part of SoCal, all without a car, and I still find it more pleasant than all the stress and hassle of owning a car and using it to get everywhere.

Nah, these regulations usually exist because a small, vocal, and usually well-off minority of residents want them. So much of US zoning is led by NIMBYs not because they are the majority, but because they are the ones that show up to meetings and complain.

Nope, you are stretching the logic. Think of all the dumb signs you see saying you shouldn’t do something obviously stupid. Is that because lots and lots of people do it? No, its  beacause a few are so inclined and they are putting it out there before it becomes an issue. Most people trying to live somewhere like this

That 7-11 atm comment is a bit out of date. Their ATMs are all free if you bank with a credit union that is on the Co-op network. Use it all the time as it is the closest fee-free ATM I can use, and have had no issues. Don’t know if it is still the case now, but they used to waive fees for UnionPay and a couple other

could be a few factors. do you drink lower quality beer when you drink draft(often the case)? Possibly you are drinking more when you drink draft (given that people drinking draft are usually in situation/places where you are gonna drink more, like a bar with friends)? Another could be the cleanliness of the

Never thought this ever had anything to do with hangovers, just whether you would drink to0 much and puke in a given night, and that makes sense. Alcohol is alcohol, but saying that ignores the volume aspect. If you stick to beer all night, you are slowly building up the buzz to drunk while also filling your stomach

Right? I moved overseas straight out of college to a country where 98% of the population was a group there was no way I would blend in with, so it was never something I worried about. Learned after a few months ‘looking like you live there’ has less to do with what you are wearing and more to do with how you carry

I completely agree that haggling for hours is stupid, and fighting for every cent is pointless (if you are a foreigner, you will almost always end up with a worse price than a local no matter how hard you bargain), but there are issues with the ‘its just a few extra bucks’ line of reasoning. The biggest is the more

Feel like your clothing advice is really only half on point. Trying to ‘match’ the full style of where you are going ‘to blend in’ is pointless and expensive (especially if you are going somewhere where there is no chance of you ‘blending in’ due to things you cannot change). Conforming to local customs with regards

Yeah, seeing Coronado touted as the “Cheapest Day Trip” in the state was a real head scratcher, given that everything else that they didn’t talk about is the opposite of cheap on Coronado. I’d say it isn’t even the best choice for cheapest day trip in the San Diego area.

“Coupons CAN lead you to spend more money, so never use them” is a really odd take, especially for here. Coupons can literally save you money on things you were going to buy ANYWAY as well. Pointing out the manipulative psychology behind them on the part of who makes them is a valuable insight to help from

Sweeping statements always have exceptions, but that beings said: As someone on the Xillenial side of things, in my experience most people under the age of 30(roughly) really don’t have a ton of functional knowledge about tech. Sure, they might figure out how to use the basics of a program quick, but suck at

Pro tip for getting a knife through somewhere that has metal detectors but isn’t super thorough with the security checks/going to get you in serious trouble if you are caught- a cigarette pack. Drop the bag in the x-ray machine, leave it in the cig pack in the pocket, walk through the metal detector, then when you get

As both a parent and a former teacher, this needs to be shared far and wide. One thing that I didn’t see mentioned in the article that helps a lot- whatever the drop-off point is, drop them off, tell them when you will see them again/what happens after, and GO. DO NOT linger. If they cry, so be it, they will get over

Synthetic turf has very few good uses, and replacing actual landscaping isn’t one of them. Beyond the standard environmental nightmare of covering yet more ground with something that interferes with the water cycle and prevents native plants from growing, do you have any idea how hot it gets when it spends the day in

As someone who has spent his entire adult life on the other side of the world from his parents, and who has now had a child (albeit still under 10) who also has spent years on the opposite side of the world from me, my advice is to let the child dictate the amount of communication. I have gone years without seeing my