
Please please don’t let the annoying little brother take over mech duties like the comic hinted at in its final issue.

According to TV Tropes the creator rights to Jack are tied up.  If it's not James Robinson, maybe Tony Harris is blocking it?

Plus it gives away Pat’s ID should the press find out.

When Brainwave was searching for her at the open house night I'm sure they had him run into another girl with bangs talking to Shiv the mean cheerleader just to indicate that there were multiple possibilities.  Could be mistaken though.

Hopefully Staffy the sentient staff will get to blast a ukelele or two to bits in order to lampshade this.

Where did Zari find a Cleo dress and hairstyle from?

Thanks Janet.  Sorry about the repeated comments.  I hate Kinja.

I wish that Oliver Queen guy was still around (not Green Arrow... the AVClub poster who does the episode gifs). She is definitely crying.

Gidget is definitely crying and if I could get Kinja to insert pictures I'd show you the screen shot with the tear rolling down her face.

It's the plot of Legends Season 3.

Did anyone else notice the creatively placed monitors, laptops and camera angles designed to conceal Danielle Panabaker’s baby bump? Austin Powers, baby.

It looks like the first rule of Book Club isn’t that you don’t talk about Book Club.

The loom of fate was the second silliest part of the Wanted movie next to the bendy bullets so it thoroughly deserves its place front and centre in this show.

One way I heard it was there was a statute in French law at the time whereby if the bread ran out, Paris bakers were obliged to supply cake to the masses at the same price as bread, hence the quote.

Hand Of The Soldier reminds me a lot of Jane Foster’s Undrjarn in the comics.

Can’t Barry just wire a treadmill up to the grid and generate a few gigawatts to sell back to the electricity companies?


I’m glad she finally got justice. It’s been a long time. Now I can retire my JFBS Disqus account.

We got a Lian Yu (and even a Leana Yu in the previous 'Reset') but no Lian Harper.  At least we missed out on Roy's daughter's gratuitous pre-New52 death.