
You say that now, but wait until the Mormon Tabernacle Choir releases their next album.

Against their wills, apparently:

Also, it’s super-dickish to act this way to her while she’s with her three small children. She’s flying coach at the holidays with three tiny kids in tow - that’s already more of a punishment than what this guy doled out.

I mean, the dude’s husband is allowed to dislike the Trumps, but questioning why she isn’t flying “private” is both meaningless and dickish.

She’s also always implicitly shitting on other women by holding herself up in contrast to those filthy feminazis who would dare take a high powered job after having children, who dare to ask a question about the PEOTUS’s sexual assaults, who would sink so low as to speak about abortion in mixed company. For the

I hope there’s a contextual lack of information in that Tweet. If it was a threat, please do tell me, because I don’t use Twitter.

Kellyanne Conway is one in yet another long line of women like Phyllis Schlafly who love to lean on the idea that women are weak as a way to give themselves power. They trod on the ambitions and hopes of other women in order to highlight their own strength.

My mom has NPD and one of my sisters is the scapegoat and the other is the golden child. The scapegoat sister has substance abuse problems, bipolar disorder, and all kinds of other problems. I feel so bad for her but it’s very hard to maintain a relationship with her.

there is a book called How the Irish Became White, which you’d think doesn’t make any sense! They’re European! They’re the whitest of the white, next to the Nordic!

Erm, except that whiteness is privileged and blackness, hispanic heritage, and being Jewish are discriminated against. You are making a false equivalency.

Okay, but — here’s the thing — does anyone think of themselves, consciously, as being “born white” as opposed to German, Polish, or Italian?

The course title is clearly referencing WEB Du Bois’s The Souls of Black Folk (1903), wherein DuBois uses the refrain “how does it feel to be a problem?” to refer to the condition of being black in the US. Flipping the script makes people pay attention when they ordinarily wouldn’t think about an issue at all. Which

“Whiteness” is a construct designed by a particular group of people in order to exclude particular other groups and deny them their rights. It has been used to mean or to exclude a variety of people of varying skin tones and ethnic backgrounds, depending on what was convenient at the time. “Blackness” is also a social

Yeah, it’s almost as if you have to think more deeply about what the phrase means instead of taking it at its most literal interpretation. Like a university student.

Chavs, chavs everywhere!

You got your Burberry mate?

Wow, you’re such a cool girl.

Wow, someone feels different from you.