
To be clear, I don’t object to colouring books. I just think the image of Kate Middleton doing colouring is so very Stepford.

Of course Kate Middleton likes colouring books. I can just picture her sitting there, primly making sure she never goes outside the lines. Her hair’s bouncy, she’s sitting up straight. God it makes me sick.

Swift’s body language alone in that picture is a tell that something wrong is going on. She is actively leaning away from him.

And there we have it...Swift is blond and white and therefore the enemy to a certain segment here. SMH. I don’t even think she “lied” about West or that those stupid tapes proved what some people claimed they proved. But you know, I am familiar with the black man>any woman dynamic among some here.

It’s kinda splitting hairs but Taylor ok’d the might have sex line and that’s all the phone call shows,she’s always said the part she objects to is the made that bitch famous part so the phone call didn’t prove any sort of lying

I went to boarding school and it was a lot of fun. It was like summer camp year round. You had a family of 300 brothers and sisters. Some of whom you hooked up with. You know, like normal families.

Intentional obtuseness and crass lack of empathy is a hallmark of an intellectually and developmentally stunted mind or a conservative. 

I didn’t wear eye makeup once and people were like, are you okay? You look SO TIRED!!! Honestly I think they’re just used to me with makeup though. We have a ton of women here who don’t wear any— defense industry, office environment, wide age range.

Do you think my black ass looks like your research assistant? I didn’t think so.

She is awesome. I love her. Disclaimer: Of course you can be a feminist and like makeup. It shouldn’t have to be a political statement just like men’s grooming habits aren’t, and women who like makeup shouldn’t be trivialized for caring about what they look like the way men aren’t. That being said...

I didn’t wear makeup today and was pushed relentlessly to go home and not get everyone sick by staying at work... So yeah. Right there with ya.

Good heavens - we cannot win. If I were to go to either of my jobs without makeup I’d be asked if I needed a sick day and would likely be sent home.

How inclusive of this human cattle auction.

By assigning “eugenics” to the reason for shunning Planned Parenthood (or planned parenthood in general), you come dangerously close to removing self-determination from the women who use its services. I don’t think that most women of color (or any woman, for that matter) who use birth control are thinking so much

Classic hotep move. A faint, distant, soupçon of fact smothered in misinformation and transformed into loud foolishness, with the erasure of WOC’s agency and bodily autonomy as the delicious, culminating cherry on top.

Pulliam is an aggressive thug.

Because he’s the one who’s currently hospitalized for being a danger to himself and others. And you can be an asshole without being a clinical narcissist.

Poor Kanye. I spent two weeks in the psych ward over Christmas last year, they don’t keep people on big holidays unless it is serious. I’m a bit of a Kanye stan, so I am really pulling for him, and I hope the non-fans can treat this situation with the respect it deserves, mental illness is no joke.

Mental illness is incredibly difficult to deal with without millions of people judging your every quote or action.

Just want to get ahead of any stigmatizing/inaccurate language that might come up in the wake of Kanye’s hospitalization.