
Amy Sherman-Palladino should produce a sitcom starring Kelly and Vlad Putin, where he owns a Coffee Shop in town and pines after her.

I like to think that somewhere in the world a star child is being conceived while Nirvana’s “In Utero” plays in the background. Tis a dream of mine.

Death looks...kinda hot...I get what Wade sees in her...

I read this article while listening to Mars Volta - now I have the phrase “A Taunting of Ravens” stuck in my head...

“Sight Unseen”

I always felt Punisher was unhinged long before the death of his family. He was good at killing, he enjoyed what he did, and needed a reason or purpose to keep doing it. A purpose.


Kids should not have to bear the burden of their parents emotional needs. It’s not fair to them, Ms. Jolie.

Amy Johnston kicks ass. I have Lady Bloodfight but have yet to see it. Probably this weekend. I’m not expecting a helluva lot of acting but some solid fight scenes.

They should totally do a Scooby ending, where they unmask the Night King and it turns out it was Edmure Tully all along...

Dude looks like Glenn Danzig, but less demonic

Bitch stole my look


Chastain is expensive too. They should just get a cast of lesser known but talented promising actors.

Nope. Death by Viseryon Dragonfire

Death by Snu-Snu...Good Call!

Not since Tony blew the damn thing to pieces in Civil War, but I get your point. They SHOULD do more for the betterment of their world.

“...her complex background...”

Good one!

On our way