
Maybe if the Teleprompter was in Russian, ol´ tangerine head might be more open to reading it...?

He looks like the back of his head is trying to eat his face...

Good even better one is why Jon neglected to arm his comrades with obsidian weapons, seeing how that would’ve made it easier to kill the damn wights...far as I could tell, he only brought Longclaw (made of extremely rare Vlyrian steel), and he was ready to give it to Jorah.

You win

This makes sense...

I do. He says his hands are not sticky...usually

“It’s bewildering how many times (Knight Rider) has gotten revived when so many better shows have not.”

Oh goody!! More GOLD!!!

“Upvote Activate!!”

I am underwhelmed

Well...he kinda needs the added protection. And by the same token, Rand really needs to suit up as well.

I’ve read The No End House. I’m curious to see how they adapt it.

I guess she’s easier to look at than this guy

My understanding is Arya has to actually KILL someone to peel off their face, prep it and use it as a mask. She’s not about to go killing innocent people (in Winterfell of all places!) because she needs masks. And more than likely she’s already dumped the masks she’s used so far. She travels light.

David Tennant...Scottish National Treasure.

Aw Hell Yeah!! Lemmy!!

Funny. I just heard a rumor that in Iron Man 3, the flying codpiece that struck RDJ in the genitals was shot out of an air cannon...

Liam Cunninghan is a hell of an actor. You can feel the pain in his voice, the anger after he learns from Melisandre how Shireen died.

Darth Sion. So full of hatred he pulled himself together after getting cut up into pieces...a human jigsaw puzzle...

“Because the history of humanity is written not in towers but in tears”