
I refuse to take advice from someone that named themselves after a pussy fart.

I seriously fail to see how it's fucking gross. I'm willing to bet that most people's urine is cleaner than the water coming out of their taps, and the water and urine all end up in the sewer system for treatment. It's not like urine just sits on your skin or shower surface and stays put. It gets rinsed away

There are two types of people in the world. People who admit they pee in the shower and dirty fucking liars.

death threats and harrasment is not critique, you forgot that one

Right, if you want an example that gamergate is nothing more than misogynist propoganda, look no further than Christina Hoff Sommer's infuriating video, defending "gamers" and attacking women. When a right wing think tank takes your side, it's time to rethink your entire fucking life.

The moment that video was posted,

Fuck gaters.

Yeah, I have my own criticisms of her show, though overall I think she's talented, and an interesting voice, and has mostly handled criticism — the fair and unfair — with grace. I think that she gets extra crap simply because there aren't enough strong female voices in entertainment*, so everyone freaks out because

I think the criticisms about the lack of diversity on her show are valid but I also think she gets far, far more crap than she deserves.

You fuck you dad with that mouth?

Agreed. There have been a lot of accusations of racism hurled at this woman. I hope this makes it clear that the fact that she's suing the sperm bank for incompetence does not mean that she does not love her daughter.

You know how you sometimes will be wondering if people like you, or if you matter. They don't and you don't. The world would be better without you.

I think it's pretty clear she's talking about rape. See the use of the word 'perpetrator', and that she couldn't reconcile just being the drunk girl at the party with what happened after.

All of what you said was in the lawsuit. Everyone should read it instead of these watered down articles. The woman and her partner were both sex abuse survivors and it was really important to them to chose their donor. And it wasn't like she gave birth and everyone was like "Whoa, that kid's not white!", she found out

I'm really horrified by the response here. At this point, I expect Jez to call someone a racist if they prefer egg-white omelets.

i have weak eyes. i'd choose a donor with strong eyes in hopes of counteracting my genes. if the vials got switched with someone with glasses i'd be super pissed.

Got it. Someone else explained it to me more nicely and I agree with your point.

I'm saying bringing a child into the world is a lifelong commitment and people should have accurate information about sperm donors when choosing one. This woman didn't. I don't care if that information was about race, medical history, or hair color, it's unacceptable for a biomedical facility to inaccurately label

Do you honestly think she could be fully aware of the treatment black people get in a given area? Based on the post, she is white, from a white, conservative family, with no close friends who are black. Where would she get this experience all the commenters here seem to think she should have?

A parent can teach a kid not to be racist in a racist town. A parent cannot always protect a kid from racism in said racist town.

Come on. The balancing between "negative affect on child" and "costs associated with moving to a new town" absolutely changes when you have a black child vs. when you have a white child. (and, really, because children who have one black bio parent and one white bio parent do SO WELL in the adoption system, that's