
Look, a lot of people are going out of their way to ignore one simple fact. This kid wasn’t punished b/c he said he supported the protests. No, what he did was make the choice to use a platform he didn’t own to voice that concern. If I get on a private msg board and spout off about whatever I want, the owner of that

You and the $50 you won’t be spending on Blizzcon is something blizzard gives zero fucks about kid. For every “hur dur boycott no more money from me” person there are a thousand more people that are more than happy to continue playing blizzard games, spending money on them, etc. And the dipshit kid who got suspended

Waiting for the eventual news that in our post #MeToo society this is sexual assault. In fact, I’m fairly certain if I dig into it I can find news of some frat boys being charged for rape for doing this exact same thing. Brb...

Calling it now. Best actor Oscar and Best picture in the bag. The only people I’ve heard say even a slightly negative thing about this film is overly critical assholes who don’t like anything good in this world. I saw it last night, it was fantastic. Heath Ledger to me is still the better Joker, but this was a

Was it even eligible? I know there’s a cutoff date and all, just wasn’t sure if that was the reason. B/C dear lord Deadwood would have won every single fkn category it was nominated for.

GoT would have faired better had they put the focus on an actually enjoyable and well written/directed episode, A Knight of The Seven Kingdoms. It was fantastic from start to finish and the episode I’ve rewatched the most. It was by far the best of the season and one of the top 5 of the entire series

To be fair, this one actually does look like a cash grab. If he did it, by all means cut his dick off b/c he deserves it. But people seem to not want to talk about the fact the alleged victim has stated that on multiple times she approached AB for money with the usual “I have this business idea” line. I know there are

It’s not rape when you continue to initiate contact with said offender over the course of several years w/o even a whisper of what had happened to family/friends/authorities IN ADDITION to several requests for money from said offender to “invest in my business idea”. I hope anyone who actually sexually assaults

Whoever this guy is he doesn’t know what he’s missing ;)

Honestly this is some of the worst fkn reporting I’ve ever seen, and I’m shocked that someone like you who doesn’t even take the time to do some proper research even has a job. He didn’t say shit about conversion, he didn’t say shit about that wackado church that paid for this ad or any of their bullshit. He was asked

I’ll scroll back up in a second and continue reading but I want to make one thing perfectly clear: NOT A SINGLE FKN ONE OF THOSE BURGERS ARE PLAIN. PLAIN IS MEAT AND BUN. OR MEAT CHEESE AND BUN IF YOU’RE A CHEESEBURGER GUY. When you add pickles, ketchup, mustard, etc...THAT SHIT AIN’T PLAIN anymore. A better title

I really fkn hate Mississippi, which is sadly what I call home. Well, I’m close enough to LA that I could claim it, but it ain’t much better. I know there are laws in place that allow people to do what the owner of this place did but that doesn’t make it right. And there is nothing in the bible regarding mixed race

To be fair, that bountygate shit was 10 years ago and folks need to stop living in the past. Also, they weren’t the only team doing this as several others came forward. The only difference is those other teams didn’t have a couch involved, it was something the players pooled money into and the winner got the pot. Also

Pads wouldn’t make a difference, nor would the lineman. We aren’t talking hypotheticals of “what if it’s botched, bad snap, etc”...talking straight on during a game, good snap, kick away...she’d nail that shit. And a rush coming her way: Dude, did you watch her play during the world cup? She ain’t afraid of shit,

This guy is clearly an anti-american terrorist in the making. Someone needs to deport his ass or push him in front of a bus. Either or, the world would be a better place ;)

I have a lot of respect for Watson and Watt from the Texans and I hope as the 2 leaders of their team they lay into that little asshat hard. Their coach certainly isn’t going to do it. And to Johnson Jr, great players are the ones who can follow directions and not make contact when their told not to. Might as well

Fk that. I would have slit all 4 tires, took a bat to the windshield, and then called the police and a fkn towtruck. What a bunch of asshats

Asking her if she’s single, and her replying like a psycho, is the dumbest part of this. A viewer/fan could simply want to know if she’s in a relationship, just to know. MANY FKN streamers are perfectly happy to share this information. Her acting like a fkn nutbag over an innocent question is just stupid. Now, if the

For the uninformed, that thing went up for pre-order well over a month ago on many sites.

For the uninformed, that thing went up for pre-order well over a month ago on many sites.

Before I get called a pos racist let me remind yall I’m black also. Some of what that cracker is saying is “technically” right. He’s catching a lot of shit b/c “we” get our panties all in a wad anytime a white person mentions anything about black people, which is a bit unfair. His comment though about the practice of