
My thing is this, and I encounter it in LoL /HoTs all the time also. Pick whoever you want. I’m not going to report you. However, if your insta lock refusal to work as a team costs us the game then I absolutely will report you. If I have a one trick Torjborn player on my team and we win, oh well we won. But if we

I went back and watched the replay, several times. There was a 3 second gap from the time he released the ball, to the time he was hit. Ref standing right behind him. That was a late hit. I believe the league average is roughly 2 seconds or so. 90% of flags thrown for a late hit on a QB over the past 3 years have come

Come to America illegally and you should be deported. Now, if I were in his boots I wouldn’t go out of my way to make sure every dark skinned person I saw that could be an immigrant were investigated, but I have no sympathy for people who come into the country illegally. If you want to come here, there is a legal

They were here illegally, they were deported. I fail to see the issue here. I mean, I’m sure a billion ppl are about to come out of the woodworks to burn me @ the stake but that’s like saying “Awe, that guy raped and murdered a dozen people, but he has a daughter at home who is sick with a cold, let’s just not arrest

While you took so much precious time to research and write this article, I think the real question is “Couldn’t that time have been better spent making sandwiches?” By writing this bullshit article, you are taking the side of a man, er little boy, who is a racist. You are defending him. The guy is an unapolagetic

This show was absolute trash. This website and anyone who bothers to review such garbage, also trash. Don’t feel bad, I feel the same way about the people who waste space on this earth reviewing The Big Bang Theory. I guess you’re in good company

135# and calling yourself fat, go play in traffic please.

I don’t condone any of this whatsoever, but c’mon. Could you have written a more racially biased post? I get it, you’re black, you’re going to stand behind anyone that is african american. But post like this, where you demonize and put as much emphasis on “because they are white” as you can, people like you and these

Just b/c there is a disaster, that doesn’t give people the right to break laws. I know for a fact food is being passed out to any and everyone who needs it. You’re trying to justify people just doing whatever the fuck they want. Are these same “innocent” people going to go back after the flood and apologize to the

Way too many holes in this theory, and highly unlikely. You’d have a better chance making sense out of the terminator franchise’s timeline/logic of time travel.

I have a question. The removal of all of these statues and such, do african americans want this so they can pretend the civil war never happened? I’m just saying, you can pull down all of the statues you want, but you can’t erase history. And once every statue/monument in this country that has anything to do with that

Actually, as you will see in the next couple of episodes, Jon was legitimized. It’s just not publicly known yet. It’s hiding in some dusty ass book that Sam is going to read very soon. Since Jon is actually Aegon Targaryan, and as you will see his mother Lyana and father Rhaegar were actually married. Oh, and just b/c