
It's 2014. HD space is ample and cheap. Get over it. This can fit on a SD card.

You make an ambiguous statement. Your breed needs to stop.

I'll remember it too. Don't let me down.

It's called a phone. Almost everyone has one with a camera attached. Take a picture of the average MPG reading. They are fairly accurate.

that doesn't represent real world driving. Unless he drives at a perfect 55 mph, accelerates carefully, and never performs a hard brake at a stoplight...then maybe.


I highly doubt that. Pics or it didn't happen.

is that. Miata on the left? WEAAAAAAK

who gives a fuck. The i8 is here now.

you won't age well.

Educate yourself.

you can't compare these cars. They're made for totally different reasons.

Get better friends.

to each their own. Get off your fucking high horse.

to each their own. Get off your fucking high horse.

Truly great comeback. Burned !!

can't wait for the day when someone finally dies in a game. It's going to happen.

it still blows, but thanks

that's the point of up front pricing. The price you see is the price you pay.


because, the IS-F won't try to kill me.