
This is why the Democrats need to win the White House and get back the house and senate. IMO a public option is the only thing that will be sustainable over the long term to ensure health care access for everybody.

Fuck, that’s awful. I mean I don’t know if it’s more awful or less awful than if his father had successfully killed all of them. Why can’t they just start with the suicide instead of the murder?

“Leave it to France to find a way to make a dumb sport dumber.” is my new favorite quote of all time.

Our local news reported that there was a note from the father found saying that he bought the gun to do this >:(

Same. And then the “self-published” book. Yeah no.

No, it’s absolutely true.

“He who represents himself has a fool for a client.”

Agree, I do not see her as a reliable narrator.

Is it wrong that the second I read that someone represented themself in a trial, they instantly lose all credibility for me? Like, I was in full agreement that this lady should fight the power. . . until I read the self representation thing. Now I’m thinking she’s a mess.

omg the little dog still paddling its paws when it’s finally above the water

Nope, sorry. There is no excuse for referring to anyone like that. They would never write “Simone Bailes wins gold; Jew takes silver”

What is truly frightening is that these sexist and racist headlines and comments are not made to be intentionally malicious. Most people, even if they are internal scumbag bigots, will closet their demons for their professions. Nobody WANTS to be on the wrong end of these and having to make apologies and retractions.

They are back. They are still fairly young and very, very spoiled.

They both probably fought during WWI though. I bet Sven lost a leg at the Somme but Olaf, who joined the British navy, served as medical crew onboard passanger liners. He totally just barely avoided dying as a on the Lucitania, making him a double survivor. Sven and Olaf met up in Paris in 1919 and upon reuniting

feels like when my parents divorced but told us kids that everything would essentially stay the same

She says she wanted to make it without Cal’s “help” but, fuck, lady that don’t mean nobody else couldn’t have used that rock.

I loathe this movie for so many reasons, this alternate ending just makes it worse.

Right Rose, throw it overboard. Don't, you know, give it to your granddaughter who's been taking care of you or anything.

It’s one of the few near-universal taboos because incest is really, really horrible, even if you only look at it from a societal standpoint and try to take morality out of it. When close relatives have children with one another the rates of kids with developmental and physical disabilities skyrockets pretty quickly.

Where are the other 6 kids.