
>And if you’re not the kind of person who can accept that mistakes can be made, apologized for and very often reversed or corrected...

Does anyone else think this movie would be hilarious if they did it very seriously and had JLaw even do that ridiculously faux low voice Holmes used? As in showed JLaw consciously making that choice, and had a huge contrast for the rest of the movie between her interview voice and her “real” voice?

One of the guys who helped her was found sobbing when the police got there because he was so upset about what he saw. Let’s dwell on that for a second. Mr. Rapist Brock Tuner tried to claim it was consensual but when two guys found them, Convicted Rapist Brock Turner started to RUN and one of the guys who found them

Not only that, but one of them was apparently appalled enough by what they saw to be sobbing when they gave their statements. Totally sounds like a misunderstanding, right? Political correctness run amok?

Oh, his family was respectable? Oh, you can think of five better contenders for Most Likely to Rape in your class yearbook? I just... Do you hear yourself?

“[...] rape on campus isn’t always because people are rapists.”

Don’t forget that the caption on that high school photo was “D’awwwwwwwww!”

I think his “childhood friend” has maybe had the hots for him forever and he totally ignored her. So her letter is a.) her getting out her anger that another girl—an UNCONSCIOUS girl—managed to get what she herself had always wanted, so of COURSE it’s that girl’s fault; and b.) I think she’s hoping he’ll see her as

I do so enjoy the occasional nap on top of gravel

National day is kind of a new thing here — people are mad because it displaced another holiday, and the only ones who care are immigrants (like me!) who had their citizenship ceremonies today.

Monaco has a royal family too, and only 37k people. How about a Prince of Lacrosse, WI?

I did click and STILL can’t figure out who they are. Bobby outdid himself with them this week.

I can’t believe it.

I have NO IDEA. I kind of want to click through to a linked story to find out, but it’s also kinda fun not knowing.

Ok, but that’s HIS ex.

He has reason to be pissed too. When he was born, the line of succession hadn’t been changed to absolute primogeniture yet, so for about a year he was the FIRST in line to the throne, until the evil feminists lawmakers of Sweden changed this.

Oh boy. My coworker looked over as I was drooling/blushing/smirking over this photo and she knows me well enough to say “let me see the hottie you’re looking at”

And it undermines legitimate questions about whether Bernie staying in the race at this point is worthwhile and/or hurting the Democrat’s chances in the general, and gives Clinton detractors of all stripes an easy opportunity to twist her platform into “playing the woman card.”

For real, though, that is an incredibly dumb question.

So I agree that it’s bullshit to have mugshots shown for some people and not for others. But for rape, I kind of wish all of the photos were of the smiling, yearbook type. There’s this perception that rapists are different - not your neighbor or your boyfriend or your brother. But they are. And the more we see that a