Charlie Hobo

I'm so embarrassed by Tennessee. I hate that they are such morons. They are following the Koch brothers down the line. By the way, you should run the story about how they've just changed the gun laws so you can carry a gun in your car without a permit. They are so, so stupid.

Oh Jamie Dornan, you're such a delight. Why do bad things happen to good people?

Also generally harboring fucked up ideas about the "proper roles " for women and/or POC.

Now playing

Allegedly the PEPCON explosion was started by a welding torch:

Sure, because servers love to abase themselves for that shitty 4% tip they're going to leave, if they deign to leave a tip at all. But then again, the servers lack of obsequiousness gives the assholes the justification to leave nothing at all, because there's never enough ass-kissing for those fucks.

what??? Why would they be asking about that at a hardware store? That's not even legal, why would a hardware store make—-

Having worked in a hardware store many years ago I can say with confidence that this would have been above my pay grade.


Definitely read "DIY Store Braces for Fifty Shades-Induced Questions about Rape." And thought, I mean, there are better places to go, but yes.

You kid, but this is actually how 50 percent of this country thinks. Or at the very least, 50 percent of the country is willing to vote for someone who believes what you just wrote.

First she tells me to exercise moderately, then she tell me to drink a reasonable amount of water —now— fucking cooking my food? When will this socialist dystopia, with the cheap gas and the health care, end? My boss's boss needs —and is due— more tax breaks! [strokes guns slowly, fingers bag of Cheetos]

There's room for both. And both are darn good at what they're darn good at.

I'm good there, too. What's next?


Them I'm familiar with, thanks. :)

!! There are plenty reasons to clown Madonna, but she's near 60 and still out dances the likes of Katy Perry, Rihanna, Britney and nearly all the pop stars half her age.

At first I was like, "oh, how lame." Then I realized that she's nearly as old as my mom and in better shape than me, and I stopped criticizing.

The woman is 56 and she can still go out there and KILL it better than divas half her age.

I think the crusty Englishman resented those things being appropriated by the upwardly-mobile bourgeoisie, and you've gotta respect a guy who sticks to his principles like that.

Spen died in 2010 at age 85, eventually succumbing to injuries weeks after a van knocked him off his bicycle.