
Please be kidding, please be kidding, please be kidding...

What is the tipping point in terms of the earth having too many humans for everyone to have the potential for comfort and personal space? Is Zika the earth trying to tell us to “wrap it up”?

To be specific, although I starred the sarcasm above, the Neverwinter Nights Series of PC games are pretty magical, if a little old. Specifically NWN2 is spectacular. More recently, Pillars of Eternity is more of the same with an updated feel and some really good voice acting work :) Happy Steam Shopping!

I went to middle school with this little chubby blonde freckled Mormon kid who actually had to be hospitalized and medically jerked off because his blue balls were going to pop. He then proceeded to tell everyone this at school like it was normal. Jokes probably on me though, he must have been saving it for his 19

I bet you are a jellyfish.

+1 FBI Investigation

I played kick coverage on a whim in HS about 10 years ago because I wanted to stay in shape for track and our team was routinely state champions in 7-8 A so why not! First game of the year, I’m tracking the return man like its just me and him in a tunnel, sprinting at a 45 degree angle, standing straight up cuz

Prease no! No maf behd!

weeeein-eerrrr,weiner weeeeineerrrr, weiner WEIN-NER, WEINER WEIN-NER WEINER WEIN-NER WEINER WEIN-NER

This will never have enough stars!!!

Highlight of my sniping skill was of course middle school, walked into math class, saw my friend opposite corner, threw a mechanical pencil at him while his back was turned. Damn thing landed the way you hold a pencil in his upraised hand and he literally screamed from confusion and awe. Been trying to replicate this

3D camera and hologram that fill in the missing pieces of the twerking butt. Total number of crimes committed from then on... -69

To be fair, that guy is a motherfucking sorcerer. I think the technical term is “getting Kilgraved”

+1 Nanobubbles-can’t-fix-all-dysfunctions

+1 hehe...boobs

Underrated comment, good work, I giggled