God bless Bruno Mars.
God bless Bruno Mars.
That is literally the nicest thing I’ve seen anywhere all day. What a wonderful gesture from him.
That is a 24k thing to do. Well done, Mr. Mars.
I don’t even think you need the word female. Does Angie have any friends? IDK.
I am an actually professional chef and those recipes were bullshit. Bullshit amount of steps, bullshit amount of dishes, and bullshit in my mouth. Shitty ingredients makes shitty food and that’s the issue with the flavor. This whole venture is for my husband who is helpless in the kitchen (I’m working 50+ hrs a week…
I’m a Home Chef subscriber and all this news about the big hitter makes me wonder about the entire business model. Overall, I recognize that they’ve given me 3 recipes a week that are mine to repeat by just doing the shopping myself. There’s only been one or two ingredients that were mysterious and not immediately…
It is fucked up indeed. I hope she learns from this.
Even if it was ‘just an acting exercise’ it’s exploitation as they weren’t looking for great actors they were looking for pain and tears to then reframe into their story to tell and profit and get praised for on the backs of these children.
Right. It’s truly shocking how both VF and Jolie agree on what happened, yet Jolie sincerely thinks there’s nothing wrong here because “we were totally kidding!” She’s so confident the children were aware of everything while ignoring the poverty they faced every day before they met her and the casting directors.
I used to love her when I was younger, but in the last 10 years she has become so disappointing. I miss the old, wild child Angie who would say and do whatever the fuck she wanted and gave two shits about her public image.
Angelina and the casting directors knew what was going on. A bunch poor children, who have literally known nothing but a life of poverty and hunger, most likely did not even if it was explained to them. They’re kids! They don’t have the same grasp on complex emotional matters that adults do!
“After reviewing the audiotape, V.F. stands by Peretz’s story as published.”
Angie made a huge mistake treating Vanity Fair like People. She responded like a celeb and underestimated the magazine by trying strong arm them. I love her but this entire debacle has been an excercise in hubris.
I follow Ronan on Instagram and my reaction to most of his pictures is “Jesus on a motorscooter, that kid is DEFINITELY Frank’s son.” It’s uncanny.
I met her many years ago when she was receiving an award from my university and I had to interview her for the paper. She had a diamond ring that was roughly the size of an emu’s egg and a bodyguard that looked straight out of a Dick Tracy comic. At one point, I was scribbling furiously on my notepad and the cap of my…
Homegirl just turned 48. My sister wondered if she eats babies.
She’s a criminal (who was caught committing a crime while on probation for having committed another crime, by the way). She should be subject to the consequences of her crimes. Nothing you wrote changes that.
For real, this shit ain’t charming at all.
I’d agree if not for the fact that she also dabbles in identity theft.
“Payne is currently being held without bond in the DeKalb County Jail.”