
They put a lot of work into this site, I have to say. I went into the chat room there (ostensibly a chat room for ghosts). While I was playing the role, all of a sudden it started typing "BEWARE. THERE IS A MORTAL IN THIS CHAT ROOM. I AM USING HIS KEYBOARD." Then a ghost face popped up and it disconnected me.

Lots of


Soon to be followed by:

Isn't your wlan password the one password that you won't be using for anything else? I mean, you give it to your friends, relatives etc... Who gives a crap if someone on the other side of the globe has your WLAN PASSWORD!?

I'm not bothered in the least. It's almost impossible that my neighbour or a Google employee will sit in a house somewhere hogging my bandwidth and bogging shit down simply cuz they have my wifi password stored on a server. And that's just my five cents.

Oh Noes!!!1! Not my WiFi password! Once they get their hands on 'w1f1pa55' there is no stopping them!


Seriously? Google stores all of my private communications with many, many people, and we're going to be concerned that they store my WiFi password? The horror!

Perhaps my eyes are deceiving me. But I could swear that screenshot shows a clear message, "back up wifi passwords to Google servers" and that does appear to be a checkbox next to it that you probably can check on or off to.

Well, if you were worried about that you just not click the backup option. I mean it isn't like they didn't tell us on the front of the option. if this was some sort of secret option then i could understand.

not to be a conspiracy nut, but that data is a golden pot for "street view car surveillance"

Thanks for the info. But this isn't new news. It's been this way for awhile.

What the fuck is the point of getting a beautiful metal phone and putting a plastic case on it?

You should buy Apple now so you can buy Apple later so you can buy Apple later so you can buy Apple later so you can buy Apple later so you can buy Apple later so you can buy Apple later so you can buy Apple later so you can buy Apple later so you can buy Apple later so you can buy Apple later so you can buy Apple

"You expect me to run real time subsurface scattering on a joke 3d model in a browser?"
"No, Mr. Bond. I expect you to die"

My life shall now be divided in to two eras, before and after I learnt there was a euphemism for vagina which called it Cecily Bumtrinket...CECILY BUMTRINKET.

I have been in the business. It is specifically designed to stop one person from running a high traffic server that impacts other users.

I concur completely. McDonald's Bacon, Egg and Cheese Bagel is the crowning achievement of modern civilization; it should be available 24/7. On a related note, this sandwich offers conclusive proof of the nonexistence of god. Something that tastes that good and is so bad for you flies in the face of the concept of a

There's a mod for that. Gotta love PC gaming.