Ugly Loser

As an anthropology nerd, this is so awesome! First humans were black and migrated out of Africa. It took some time for white skin to develop. Cheddar Man really helps to visualize what that early migration looked like. We have this idea that race has an absolute definition, but scientifically we are all on the same

We now have the distinction of having the highest maternal mortality rate in the developed world, along with the highest number of uninsured people in USA. Texas also rejected federal money for Medicaid. On the plus side, at least we stuck it to that socialist Obama?

I don’t think we can reform members of the Trump Cult. The thing that makes it so difficult is that, while the Trump Cult is not the majority, because of gerrymandering, geography, voter suppression and the Electoral College, they have outsized influence. It’s created a situation where 30 – 40% have been able to

Do you live in a red state? I do (Texas), and it’s probably why I can’t find this too funny either. Despite everything, Trump still remains popular enough here that local candidates are running ads featuring Trump clips and boasting about how they’ll be unabashed loyalists for their Dear Leader. Real Americans, of

I agree. Suspending him seems a bit much.

This SOTU will mean nothing. Trump is going to pretend to be competent and feign bipartisanship in front of the camera like he’s done a handful of times. The media will say stuff like “this is a turning point”. Then by next morning, Trump will go back to parroting the comments section of Beirtbart.

A lot of my favorite rock music in recent years have has come from women (Julien Baker, Courtney Barnett, Tune-Yards, Speedy Ortiz).

The thing is that (nationally anyway) the polling was as accurate as it was any other election. But the jump to conclusion that Hillary was guaranteed to win was irresponsible.

I’m kinda hoping it’s illustrated like it was in the excerpt in New York Magazine.

Wolff was basically the dude on the couch that everyone just assumed someone else invited.

I’m still waiting for Louie Louie

How do I get ungrey? Is there some sort of ritual induction?

Not in New York..


The whole “let’s go on a suicide mission to capture a wight” plot felt like something out of a completely different show. To have it lead to the game-changer of the series was a let down. Was there ever a plan for the wights getting over the wall that didn’t involve a dragon?