
I mean, Martinet is a professional voice actor. He’s shown he has more range than the full-bore Mario voices. Just listen to him give a panel or something. His regular speaking voice sounds more “Mario” to me than whatever Pratt is doing. I would have loved to see him do something since he clearly loves and respects

Charles Martinet has done lots of other voice roles and has quite a bit of range; the idea that he’d use his exact vocal performance from the games when the movie calls for something else is absurd. There’s little reason to believe a guy with that much talent couldn’t find a happy middle ground between “Mario voice

If you do it right, your fans will flock to your defense on the internet, claiming that the game is totally playable, since all they really wanted was an incomplete beta. 

Guillermo del Toro too, after the P.T. fiasco.

He only lent his face (and olny the face; no VA, no mocap) for use in Death Stranding, because Kojima.

I agree! It’s really commendable that the guy knew the limits of what he was comfortable with creatively and acted on it

Exactly - he knew his limitations, and that’s awesome! He realized that he’d have to give up some control over his passion project, and that he can’t do that.
Even if a game was ultimately produced, it would have been a misery for everyone involved.
To me that’s completely fair, if unfortunate for the people who were

Poor, naive Mr. Roberts... Cancel the Kickstarter? Non, non cher monsieur. You complete the kickstarter, then move the pledge system to a private platform. Make roadmaps which show playable monster parts and expanded in-gut universes, “procedurally generated, yet hand-crafted”. Sell Meat Armors and Skinwagons (that

OK I forgot him that’s def one more. 

Alan Moore is rolling in his coffin.

there will be no endorsed videogame adaptions of the Mystery Flesh Pit as long as I am alive.

Here’s a funny story about gas station sandwiches. The gas station near my work has made to order sandwiches, and they offer an egg salad sandwich. One day, the woman I work with, who was a fussy eater and very health conscious, mentioned an egg salad sandwich, and I mentioned that she could get one at the gas

I was thinking the same thing. They worked long hours for years on this and their product is literally garbage, now. That must be a massive letdown.

Don’t be sad: it just means you’re not a soulless husk, and you’re still capable of empathy.

Maybe I’m just getting old and soft, but my mind went to all the devs and team members who actually probably worked very hard on this game and were likely to some degree mismanaged. Hopefully they work on enough not to have this kind of thing affect them too much, but I’m sure it can’t be great for morale.

Subtitles might help. Unless you’re secretly Lea Michelle.

I can’t stop laughing when imagining that internal discussion Levine would have had before sending a message like that.

If it means I never have to hear someone say “Why do they call this game Yakuza when the main character leaves the Yakuza in the first five minutes” for any future entries in the series, I’m 100% here for it.

I hate that you don’t make these new articles with each update. It renders commenting useless. Looking still comments from may when it’s an August update is blah. It only gets worse as time goes on. How about “best 8 games as of may 2017.... best 12 games as of August 2017" and so on and so forth. Will anyone ever