
i would think more like millions upon millions of years.. i'm sure somebody's run the projections for earth, but i got the impression that all solid planetary bodies gradually became tidally locked with the same face permanently facing their star (or planet, as happened with our moon). the question is whether this

...scott weiland? is that you?

Points ceded, pretty much all of them.. The original post was hasty and generalizing, I would only note that its parenthetical aside wasn't trying to say women are incapable of fetishizing the killing of small animals, simply that men are the driving market force behind crush fetish videos. I would stand behind this

In this case, animals getting crushed is a fetish. It's tied to sexuality, that's what makes it a fetish. It's also animal abuse. And it's OK to be judgmental about somebody's sexual kick if the fulfillment of that kick necessitate somebody getting hurt. As is the case when crush vids are made. You're fantasy v.

asgeir already nailed that shit DOWN

i voted for glue... caffeine isn't a drug, dudes, it doesn't get you hiiiiiiii . . . . .

to be fair, plenty of christians would have a hard time answering similar questions about their "faith," i'm sure the same could be said about followers of any religion..

I don't know, isn't this Mike Judge? His stuff is pretty self-aware, this show reads as satire to me. Judge isn't the best at casting women (Office Space comes to mind), but Peggy Hill is one of THE great characters in television history..

i enjoy my fresh lancaster-county pork, local produce, raw-dairy cheese, and clean home cooking.. but god-damned if i can't mess up the occasional meatball lean pocket with ranch dressing and a couple tall-boys of PBR. just don't make it a daily (or even bi-weekly) thing, you know?

i always thought a lot of the european strictures on these preservatives, additives, conditioners, etc., are influenced by aesthetic values as much as concern for healthfulness. who would accept a gummy baguette, or a wurst full of fillers, or sulfited, extract-derived beer over the "real" thing? just my impression

this show right here.. where do you go after destroying one of the two known universes (series 2) and then destroying the afterlife (series 3)? why, blow up our own "little blue planet" of course! the finale chokes me up every time..

haha, totally agree with you on this tactic - however, a lot of people have this bogus idea that you "owe" former friends/ acquaintances some kind of breakup conversation.. get ready for some "how could you do that to somebody" replies, which is stupid because the whole point is you aren't doing anything to anybody..

well shit.. i'll admit i was originally thinking of a much snarkier comment, glad i dialed it back and just asked directly. thanks for the info, i wouldn't agree that this qualifies as "rape" but it definitely changes my thoughts on sexual violence against men

"male victims who are not penetrated but rather forced to penetrate"

nobody gives a shit about your college degree

Disagree with the Little Mermaid synopsis, Ariel wanted to become a land-person (or at least check out the dry world) BEFORE she ran into/saved that prince guy.. the hot guy was just the cherry on top.