
I’d be willing to bet that a lot of famous people were once in food service. Isn’t that how LA’s whole economy functions?

What kinds of jobs are young people supposed to have? I haven’t met very many 20 year old investment bankers.

I feel like maybe it’s a bigger deal that this guy has a rebel flag tattoo then it is that he was a pizza delivery driver. Although, I did deliver pizza in college so I guess I’m biased?

Ugh. That was bad.

Every fucking thing out of Trump’s mouth requires 8 or 9 people to follow up and try to explain what he REALLY meant. It’s amazing for a man with the best words. I would love for someone to ask one of his post-explainers, ‘Why is it that everything he says has to come with footnotes?”

To those who would defend Trump with “what he meant to say,” I would remind them that according to Trump, he always says what he means.


If ‘wireless charging’ meant ‘put the device within a foot of the charger and it will charge,’ I would be all for it. But right now, it’s ‘lay the device down on this special mat which takes up a whole lot more space than a cable and charges more slowly too.’ Maybe one day...

Serial to USB was an upgrade, 30 pin connector was unique to the iPhone. 3.5mm jacks are fairly universal. I see what you’re saying, but its apples to oranges. They just aren’t the same. Does this provide a better sound quality?

Even if the 7 does flop, don’t hold your breath for the 8 to have a headphone jack. Remember that this is the company that told users they were holding the phone wrong instead of admitting there was a problem.

I’ll pass. iPhone 6 is working fine, and with enough pushback/crummy sales, they’ll bring back the headphone jack. This is probably Apples “New Coke”

I agree with you in general, but don’t all the roasters go after all the other roaster’s looks? I may be wrong but that seems like something that has been done in perpetuity. I feel like that’s kind of par for the course.

I mean, as Jewel said: “As a feminist, I can’t support everything that’s being said tonight, but as somebody who hates Ann Coulter, I’m delighted.”

It’s not that big a reach to think an alien from space, even with some memories from those he assimilates, wouldn’t know what every alcoholic drink would taste like and therefore would still drink it without visible reaction.


Who the fuck knows what kerosene tastes like? Pretty sure the alien wouldn’t so therefore wouldn’t be aware of it.

Not everyone drinks or drinks the same thing. Perfectly reasonable to think Childs might not drink the same as MacReady so would have no base to work from.

In fact, you see it very clearly in that clip above.

Still prefer the theory that MacReady gives Childs a molotov to drink which confirms that he’s the alien. Really adds something to Kurt Russell’s snort at the end, as if he knows he’s fucked but honestly can’t be bothered to fight anymore.

You see childs too.......