Two Speed - slow and stop

This is surreal. Can you imagine - sitting at the goddamn dinner table eating something delicious while your old man rants about “That fuckin’ guy Enzo” and lays the groundwork for one of the greatest supercar companies in history ?

We miss him.

Thanks! I can’t believe it made it on the FP!!

Much like driving car with a hit or miss starter. Everywhere you go, you have to think, is this enough of an incline that I can push start it without any help if I need to?

I hear those things are awfully loud.


If you think that’s bad, you should see how they got it so red!

Oooooh, it’s good to finally be able to see it! Thank you for the image. Damn, it looks like Deepwater Horizons in this view.

It’s meant to outperform any 4++ Gen aircraft. Hope Turks will provide the opportunity to verify that claim.

Thanks, professor!

Actually just a Miata.

Pretty something something a Lambo something.

Since half of the money went to help kids with brain tumors, you just made yourself look like the biggest prick alive.

Not all car crash dummies are dumb.

This guy just did a reverse Tavarish.