Two Speed - slow and stop

Chris Christie clearing his colon?

Holy shit this is ridiculous. Thing would probably cause me to crash the first time it “pushed back” at me when cornering.

majority ran

“Everybody knows, I already have a Town Car limo. The nicest, most luxurious and exclusive and fancy black Town Car limo you can get. I'll be using that, thank you, as it was specially made to conform to my butt contours. And I'm going to keep using my Trump 757, the nicest most luxurious private jet you've ever seen.

Jalopnik’s Justin Westbrook published this for me tonight and said the same exact thing.

I just watched that whole video and HOLY CRAP how has that never been made into a movie? I mean, that story has everything.

I’m really digging these Desert Storm revisited stories.

“Tyler, take a little criticism now and then.”

You must be new here Tom. The moderation on this commenting area is pretty much a free for all outside of filth

Every time I read a story about the effort and strategy that went into the 1st Gulf War, I can’t help but imagine a chess Grand Master playing a game of correspondence chess against an opponent be doesn’t realize is a 12 year old novice.

Charles and Jane are wonderful people. I am so sorry this happened to them. I’m very glad they are OK.

And it can even drive you around Le Mans at uncompetitive speeds!

Smoke Heated, Pig Simmers As Chili Bowl Turns Spicy

1000 horsepower out of a 4 cylinder?