
I never questioned your intelligence, and request you dont question mine. If you can do that fine, if not, fuck off you ignorant asshole.

just for my own edification, am I being an awful person by asking these questions? the majority of commenters on here seem to think so. that I am a misogynist pig who hates women.

Im not missing the point. I BELIEVE, my opinion, that peopel of all races and genders do not deserve to be treated equally to you and me if they murder or seriously neglect their children. As a father this is something I believe. Not telling anyone else they have to believe this, but I do. can you respect tha tas I

I agree with most of your statements. I dont think anyone, woman or otherwise deserve to be treated as human if they murder their children. I think its funny you pin me 'so well' with how i feel about women. FYI My wife works and brings home the vast majority of our income while i stay at home with our children. I

if i was looking for a fight, i would be in one. I am not. please dont write me back if this is going to be about how is and who is not looking for a fight. have a nice day

hmmm nope, I am not. thanks though.

ok, thats your perogitive. I am happy the person to whom that comment was directed was able to have a civil conversation with me about it. have a nice day

not trolling, trying to learn. thanks though for making it super hard to do that. its funny how accepting all the commenters on here claim to be but only about 15% of those who have responded are evn remotely interested in having a polite intelligent discussion. have a nice day

I appreciate the sentiment, and while I agree that in general, women deserve better can we really not agree that ALL women dont. does casey anthony deserve better? Do women who neglect their children dese4rve better? If you think yes we will have to agree to disagree. which is totally fine

again thank you for being civil. most responses ive gotten are fuck you troll, go away, etc. I am happy that you can accept someone not being totally in line with your way of thinking and can take the time to explain yourself.

thats just the way i speak/write, and again just because you see me as looking for a fight doesnt make it so. thanks for the response anyway. Maybe i think you are the one looking for a fight(kind of do feel this way) that doesnt make it so, just makes it my feeling.

I never look for a fight. I was asking a question. The person to whom i was asking wrote me back and we had a civil discourse about it. have a nice day

thanks for the clarification. As stupid as it may seem, ive seen several people actually men ALL when having a similar argument.

So, just to clarify you do believe that ALL women deserve better?

what a dumb fucking comment. Do ALL WOMEN really deserve better. I am all for equality between sexes, races etc but to paint a broad stroke like that makes you seem ignorant to the fact that there are bad people(men women black, white etc) who DO NOT deserve better.

thanks for the answer, but I would point out that ugliness and and attractiveness are ALWAYS about a matter of opinion. No one is objectively ugly or not. someone somewhere finds 'ugly' person X hot, i guarantee it.

also, thank you for actually answering my questions and not yelling at me for being a dumb man who is trolling.

I get your point, HOWEVA, if me saying Jane doe is ugly affects her worth, she has some serious problems other than sexism. Clearly people saying Lena Dunham or Kardashian are ugly are not affecting their worth in anyway whatsoever. explain please and thank you

so this is ok? (read comments) because if that is, then we should all be commenting on the 'fuckability ' of every and anyone posted about on jezebel. Including the Jez goddess Lena Dunham

thank you for the response. Why is ok to talk about men in terms of fuckability though? look at any post on here about gosling and the comments will about "i would do this to him" "i would put pudding all over my ... and let him lick it off" etc No one cries foul over those. Isnt feminism about being treated equal? I