
You can’t see out of the car and the interior looks like it’s made of children’s toy plastics. Even if it performs well it’s going to send people running away for those two reasons alone.

Well, it does if there’s a local noise ordinance he was in violation of, which I’m guessing there wasn’t in this case.

This. All of these people who scream about the 2nd Amendment are screaming about the wrong amendment. No set of amendment related rights has been eroded more perversely over the last 25 years than the 4th.

Indeed. Possibly the best headline to ever appear on this site.

I also had an Alero. Mine had wheel sensors that would go out constantly, disabling the traction control.

I just stopped by for this. Vegan baked goods are terrific, and non-dairy butter is fine as well. Cheese though...that’s a real challenge. 

Carmax does just fine at this.

The good news is, the Wings aren’t going to suck forever. They have the makings of two very good lines, especially when AA gets healthy.

This is nice.

Donald Trump is one of the worst people his generation produced

Give it a few years.

The between second period debate on this was a good one. One commentator looked at it and thought boarding was the appropriate call. The second, upon review noted that Sundqvist was targeting the shoulder he should not have been and as such essentially caused a concussion when hitting the other shoulder would have

For high comedy, out there somewhere has to be the video of Don Cherry justifying it somewhere during what, even by his standards, was a completely incoherent Coaches Corner segment between the 1st and 2nd periods.

“Baseball in Florida is a bad idea. Well, if you’re lucky, it might work in Orlando. If you’re lucky.”

Peter Ueberroth, October 1987

If memory serves, he’s a consultant in Cleveland. So, I suppose, underemployed.

The Argos won cup after cup and your city doesn’t give a shit.

From 2005. 

This vehicle was never interesting, nor was it any good. On the few occasions I was saddled with this as a rental that CVT would nearly get me killed on the highway. In a world where you could get a Vibe/Matrix if you really wanted something similar this was not competitive and deserves its place in the shit pile of

You would be wrong. They’ve been using the pitch clock for several years at the minor league level and it works without issue and speeds up the pace of play considerably with almost no impact on game strategy. This is the one change among the proposed slate I support and, frankly it’s overdue.

No less than Peter Ueberroth,34 years ago, warned MLB before they expanded that Florida was a bad bet for baseball, for all of the reasons you listed. “If you insist on it, it might work in Orlando.”