
You, my friend, are brilliant.

A lot of liquor stores in California run by immigrants do it because they want you to buy their stuff after you get your cash. It’s how they get return/loyal customers. They also sell stuff like knives/hookas/bongs/pipes and other miscellaneous stuff that you might not buy on a regular day but might if you just cashed

He already has a BBC, he doesn't have to.  At least that's the white man's fear, right?

All he really is, is just a cheap Mega Man boss.

Black robots are in an uproar that the only playable robots in Overwatch are White.

I love you.

That’s like being married and then your wife making you walk around in public wearing a shirt with a picture of the guy she's cheating on you with.

That banner on the right is EXACTLY the kind of thing my mom would try to make for me in high school.

Ae you sure the title of this article isn't about hooking up with an ex-boyfriend? 

The best strip club name is in Orange County California, called The Library. You can always tell your wife/girlfriend the truth without raising suspicion!

Nothing will stop me from eating my BAKEN-ETS Hot'N Spicy Chicharrones while playing DOTA.  NOTHING.

I think you have absolutely no idea as to her thought process on the matter as if you’re a mind reader.  How would you know what she can and cannot admit to.  You don't. 

That's what a lot of whites say about black people.

This is probably the single most important article posted on theroot.  I knew about the great party switch but for whatever reason I never got around to knowing all the nuts and bolts/details of the historical timeline of important events.  Thank you very much for this.

I’m kind of split on this. If the girl was constantly yelling, that’s noise pollution. That shit can get annoying fast.  A sign would have been a lot better. Also, it matters where the white woman was and what she was doing there.  If she was a neighbor and lived next door I can see the validity of the complaint.  If

Marital rape is possible. Women have been sexually assaulted by their husbands not just in present times but all throughout history. By your logic, how could a man, who married and loved his wife, do this to her? You say “given how William feels towards Dolores”. No, not feels. FELT. Past tense.

This is my theory of how the endgame of Dolores is going to go. Her plan is to sync her own personality with the personality program of one of the guests that is housed in The Forge and then upload herself to another host body of one of the rich/powerful guests to impersonate them and gain power in the outside world.

This is the worst analogy/example ever. A car is manufactured by a company. The company owns the original object/item/creation. Moon dust never belonged to anybody when it was on the moon, so NASA has absolutely NO right to claim ownership over it, regardless of whether it was obtained on an official space mission as

What law are you talking about? There is no law. The only agreement that nations have put together about the moon is that IT BELONGS TO NO ONE.

It’s not stolen. Moon dust does not belong to anybody. Just because NASA says it’s their property doesn’t make it theirs. There is no crime here. It’s astounding at how dense people can be about claims made by national entities and nobody thinks critically about it.