
I’m old enough to have had a childhood of playing games in an arcade. Had countless people waiting on me to finish or die off so they could have their turn. It wasn’t rude or even an issue. Had countless times when I was actually good at a fighting game and just wanted to finish the single player when someone would

So basically you want it dumbed down to League levels.

Alien Nation remake.

There is no joke, and he’s not missing anything. Protip: The douchebag is you.

Wow, extremely well said with good points and counter-points. I only read kotaku on my phone and I don’t like making long replies without a true keyboard. Thanks for your valuable input.

She was “counseled”......, you mean like in The Shining when the bartender “corrected” his wife?

Haven’t you heard? He’s lost weight.

The panel in question pales to the cringeworthiness of Doom saying he needed to hire a “black” instead of a “black man”. It reminds me of when Trump said “I have a great relationship with the blacks”.

This is a wholly unnecessary and stupid product. That being said, I want one. Immediately.

This is a wholly unnecessary and stupid product. That being said, I want one. Immediately.

HOAs are evil incarnate. California had to make a law forbidding HOAs from citing people who dry their clothes outside on a line because they didn’t want to be seen as being occupied by peasants with low incomes. This disproportionately targeted minorities and immigrants and it was a way for them to contractually