
No, they do that too. Having lived there, Russia is one of the most virulently racist places I’ve ever seen, including even for “lesser” gradations of white (especially literal Caucasians). If ethnic Russians use the n-word for Georgians and Armenians, do you really want to dig into the cesspit to find what they think

I’ll be honest, I have to give them respect for starting their statement with the “We’re not racist, it’s just our ‘no blacks’ tradition”. I mean I stopped there for a few moments as I kept wondering that there was no way they were that tone deaf.

I’d be outraged if I knew what the fuck a Zenit was. I'll focus my attention on the acts of white supremacist terrorism on this side of the planet.

So it’s essentially heritage, not hate? No wonder the Republicans fell in love with Russia.

Nah, being a little racist skid mark is what got him labeled as a racist.

Darth Tangelo

That got me thinking... what would Trump’s sith name be?

Fat Ass.  Darth Fatass.

Completely, and Trump acts like he's the biggest victim. It amazes me that anyone buys the "I'm the toughest guy on the block and simultaneously the biggest victim" act.

That's certainly not lost on the lawyers. 

Yep. Way to keep his name in the news. They must be hoping for a full ride to Liberty University or something like that.

Thing is, starting shit is part of the reason Trump supporters wear the hat. They adore victimhood and actively look forward to someone treating them as they really are, so that they can then go on about how ‘thugs’ and ‘leftists’ and ‘snowflakes’ target them and whatnot. They want those 15 mins of fame and the chance

His attorney is an Infowars fan! Nuff said.

I’m over twice as old as this little shit. I’ve made it this far in life without being the subject of a national news story. It’s not even something I’ve tried not to do. I just don’t go around starting shit. It’s pretty fucking easy, actually. 

She did for the MAGAssholes everyone else knew he was full of shit.

...aaaaaand we all know how much they love the law when it doesn’t work for them.

These parents turned their crotch-fruit into weaponized trolls by sending them to Washington in these hats specifically to make a scene like this.

Dear Sandmann Lawyers:  you have smug asshole fools for clients.

The poor little skid mark still doesn’t realize that wearing a MAGA hat is what got him labeled as a racist. Maybe he should try suing Trump instead. 

I am sure that Nicholas Sandmann and his family must be very disappointed, but I am sure that they can take solace in the knowledge that with this administration Nicholas is very likely to be just a few months away from being the next Acting Secretary of State.