
I was really let down by it, nuff said

i went through all the #s, then from A to X before it proved to be it.

I was very let down by this game. I didn't like Fable, and I bought into his claims on Fable 2, and now I am done Pete, sorry.

boy that baby is a dick

Uh 4 billion does not really make them the largest population on earth.. there are kinda 6 billion + humans...

So with his ideals, does a Halo game end up being less run and gun? More gritty?

Issues aside, this and Braid have been such a breath of fresh air. I have been playing GTA, a mirade of EA sports games, Halo, Bioshock and honestly, I felt bored. These arcade masterpieces made gaming really fun again for awhile

Now when I use the Contra code, the game will end about as fast as my Contra game without the code

you have 1 unread message.

I think it is a pretty good real life rendition of the character, kudos to costume design on that one.

My buddy just bought a 360, so I am going through some classics with him, Gears on Insane is slatted for this weekend. Then I still have 130 rats to kills in GTA4

Well I am now torn, I think I'll have to follow the majority of my gamer heroes on this one

Yea I'll fly from Baltimore, but when PAX is here, I'll throw a huge Kotaku kegger

Yea, this is very underwhelming graphically. SC2000 would blow this out of the water..

still working on my 100% gta4

Only about 2 more presidential terms until we have a chance at a real gamer president...

I am not a "halo fanboy," I enjoy all types of games and I really like a good FPS. This news does excite me because I have always enjoyed the Halo universe more-so than Unreal, HL, or others.

if i wanted an avatar i would have bought a wii or ps3. i like the older generation feel of 360, and this ruins it

@FoxHoundADAM: ditto, I want features without my lil devil/angel on my shoulder likeness of myself