you never know
you never know
and california
when a comedian tells a story that isn’t true on stage, it isn’t lying.
another watchseries user! yeah, they segmented it wrong, both slightly out of order and missing one afaik.
title of review sums it up nicely. jamming all that together made it seem forced and unearned. that being said, the very end was quite good.
indeed; one big hint that the account dabbled in fiction might have been everything leading up to the “they’re good dogs, Bront” meme. but by all means that should be ruined by a crank.
nope, i am stealing every Tippy and renaming them something non-suicidal.
Bront we hardly knew ye.
the simplest golden rule dictates how most of us behave most of the time. i’ve marched and marched, but not until this year did i learn of antifa with bottles of piss and shit and grave digging. turns out the chicago 7 cohort were also doing the piss and shit routine, but i had to research it online b/c i was…
anti-popeyeism, smdh.
your comment makes me more convinced to watch again.
“I’m A Lawyer!”™️
or maybe people already have compassion, do not need teaching, and the root actively turns people into reactionaries whom others mistake as needing a lesson, and they say, “nah, i was fine.”
carl bernstein was a philanderer who fucked around on his pregnant wife, nora ephron, r.i.p.
for *not* cheating?!
it is very on-brand for this show to be exasperatingly stupid in any setting.
i just watched the new one, and this season promises to be the affairiest yet!