
“Although Pelosi’s job was the only one really in jeopardy”

“First, let’s be clear. Judaism is not a race. It is a religion.”

Judaism is as much an ethnicity as it is a religion

First, let’s be clear. Judaism is not a race. It is a religion.

Yup. When they want to attack her, everything she says is an iron-bound commitment. When they also want to attack her, everything she says is a lie.

It’s really astonishing to me how a bunch of hard-nosed political cynics suddenly claim to believe politicians are telling the unvarnished truth whenever it suits their narrative. Like when Pelosi made the conventional “looking forward to working together” mouth noises every legislative leader makes after every

It’s strange that you decided to repeatedly use footage of a meeting in which Pelosi and Schumer gave Trump nothing and provoked him into claiming responsibility for the shutdown in a video where you accuse them of being feckless and conciliatory toward Trump. Did you have this written ahead of time and just not

Wow, this post could literally not be more anti-semitic unless you talked about how their hook noses look so weird

Cleveland keeps finishing games with more points than the other team as well. I bet the league makes them forfeit some draft picks for that.

Yeah, I’m not American either so I get being put off by the extreme, blindly pro-Israeli attitude of mainstream America however having lived in Europe I’m also familiar with the equally partial, biased and extreme pro Palestinian side and like I said, I have no real patience for either. 

Yes, Israel uses it to shut down criticism of the government. But the left and the pro Palestine side then uses that to deny anti-semitism by claiming they’re just anti-zionist. Like I said, I see the flaws on both sides and have no love for either the Israeli or Palestinian government, or any respect for anyone who

So out of curiosity, do you spend as much time protesting the existence of Pakistan (and/or the policies of its government) as you do Israel? If this were a story about Alice Walker or another author writing rambling, bigoted screeds about “Pakis” and the like, would you be going out of your way to post here with a

Actually, without wanting to doxx myself, I’ve spent years in multilateral organizations and the UN and have met many Palestinians and Israelis. I have no love for the Israeli government, by the way, and their behaviour at the UN is abhorrent. But the Palestinian authority is full of shit as well, says one thing to

LOL sure. I think thou doth protest too much, and there’s a lot of anti-semitism lurking behind your purported anti-zionism, as is sometimes the case. Not all anti-zionism is anti-semitic, but a lot of times some people on the left like to  hide their anti-semitism behind the anti-zionist label. The left is great at

I’m finding your statements that older people need guidance in how to approach YouTube to be disturbingly ageist. Walker believes this shit because she’s crazy, not because she’s older.

Happy image in my head reading this: Mueller gruffly flicking the White House lights on and off.

That’s called a lightswitch rave

The last three titles to your articles:

They can demand protection for Dreamers until blue in the face.