
Yes, I try to strike a balance between selecting an appropriately scholarly text and saving students money, but I do really want students to purchase or rent or check out from the library the text I pick. When I’ve taught Shakespeare, and students always asked if they can use stuff like the MIT open-source plays. I

One caveat with some of these free sources - the editing and textual apparatus may not be as thorough as the text assigned in a course.

Now playing

You, and all your grey’d ilk complaining about my use of the word ‘mansplaining’ can kindly take a seat. This is a perfect example of the concept.

The Hartford Whalers.

Hey! I’m not the one who said it was Fury (that was another guy)! And I enjoyed the shit out of the article, but I’m also neurotic and insane.

I have two rebuttals:

This is the peak of research. Well Dunn.

I mean doesn’t everyone who lives or is visiting Cleveland have a Cleveland problem.

Don’t we all, in the sense that Cleveland continues to exist?

She would have been ripped apart if she’d responded to him, from Hannity to Haberman. It would have been evidence of her terrible temperament, unfitness for office, hidden wasting disease, sociopathy, etc. etc. She couldn’t win, there was no good choice.

So you’re upset over the “centrist” boogeyman who sells out the people on the hope to win a few Republican votes, and your alternative is to instead engage in some “left-wing populism” that almost always marginalizes POC and women in favor of the white working class man on the hope that it will... win the votes of

Some things might have changed a little bit in 43 years.

Frost is only 21 and couldn’t place South Boston on a map.

Name a major city in the US that doesn’t have a history of racial violence?

Lets give the South a taste of their own medicine and see how they feel about remembering history:

I think they would pretty much be these pages. But they are pages he will never write, because he has this same problem with travel time vs. set pieces to close out in the book.

There aren’t going to be anymore books to spoil lol

How is this clown an approved commenter and I sit in the greys?