
Maddow, as usual way out ahead of her peers, has been killing it every night on the Trump investigations, and explained it quite well on last night’s show:

I know it was never proven, but its worth mentioning that Fedor’s 16 yr old daughter was attacked and hospitalized by a “random” assailant a couple days after he made the comments about Kadyrov. Must be a coincidence.

“Clinton lost- get over it! It’s that simple!”

You are...not nearly as informed about recent events as you think you are.

I’m pretty sure “edged closer to Republicans” means “nominated someone I still have a throbbing hate-boner for.” Acting like a $13 minimum wage is close to Republican policy platforms is a giggle at best and completely disingenuous at worst.

I look at Clinton’s platform in 2016:

They always seem to imagine that the closer they edge to Republican policy positions

Only people who live in a household with an annual income over $250k have seen Happy Gilmore.

Before the De La Hoya fight, HBO debuted 24/7, a three week look into the fighter’s lives before the actual fight. On the very first episode, Mayweather noted that no one wants to pay to watch two good guys fight, so fuck it, “I’ll be the bad guy.” Thus, the Money Mayweather persona was born.” 

That took effort.

Los perros estan en la piscina. El garaje esta abierto.

Holy shit please have Lena Dunham clap back at Drew.

Thank you. I came here to say this. People keep asking for stories about real people that are inclusive. THIS IS A FUCKING REAL STORY THAT IS INCLUSIVE. SO REAL IN FACT THAT IT FUCKING HAPPENED. Unless white women now have to either date within their race or no one is allowed to tell true stories about interracial

She was NEVER the ‘boogeyman’ anyone believed her to be. Nor was she ever an extremist. Nor has she ever tried to stop games from showing violence. You can agree or disagree with her, but she makes tons of good points, and developers have (fortunately) been listening to her, expanding their variety of characters and

This is the gaming mainstream. This sort of thing is accepted and defended basically anywhere games are discussed. Video games have the worst fanbase

Yeah, the gaming community has a lot of really toxic members (seemingly increasing in size). A lot with some really severe issues with women. I mean, they have issues with people in general, but if there’s a woman involved it’s like a red flag to a bull.

Wow do I hate gamers like this. I know there are bad apples in every kind of hobby/fandom/whatever, but man oh man is this particular brand of bullshit getting way too common for my liking.

She also once cancelled a meeting with Putin because he was late.