Ubik! the Rat Parade

@westsidekino: Er, you're way off on the memory thing. The NES used an 8 bit processor meaning it handled data values up to !!!! 8 bits long! The SNES used a 16 bit processor. How does this relate to color? Basically the output color value is determined by the sequence of 0s and 1s. If the memory string is only 8

@westsidekino: Yea, the term re-skinning is wrong - they replaced the sprites, backgrounds, etc. w/ new sprites but the games play the same as their 8 bit counterparts with the exception of the save system.

@muscletower: If you can't be wrong on the internet where can you be wrong?

@xan_loves_SS: They are just re-skinned 8 bit games =/

@Andrew Marsh: It's 8 bit games with minor graphical enhancements.

More than 300,000 copies of the Mario collection, which packs in 16-bit versions of four Super Mario Bros. games, were snapped by Japanese Wii owners.

I own all of these games in multiple formats...... and this doesn't even have Super Mario World......

@Ueziel: The NA release will be uncensored. The PS3 JPN version was censored though. Didn't hear anything about it being buggy...

@Chronixal: Just play through with your favorites - the unique squad member missions just unlock better potentials and if you're not using that particular char who cares if they have their hidden potentials unlocked?

@WrongThinker: Yea, that was impressive, but it wasn't the almost spastic stomping of a heavy ddr player. I feel like they are two very different things.

@xKonsentox: Jeez, that doesn't even look like fun at that point, haha.

@Reenee: Yea, I just mean that from a DDR skill standpoint I don't actually know if he is good.

Now playing

He looks like an ok dancer but he isn't playing DDR on a high difficulty. That isn't a great example, but just look at the step crawl and you'll see that on higher difficulties you have to be hitting the pad a lot more often.

@Batman: Haha, yea, they were absurdly confusing and filled with too many dead ends.

@hagren: Haha, awesome. That's one improvement. Finding out that you only get perks every other level kind of hurt though. And less skill points per level. They really 'balanced' the game a lot...

@BattleMoose87: I've only played for about two hours and just wandered around the desert a bit. It doesn't feel that different from FO3's wasteland. There is a lot more humor in the writing though. Oh, and I haven't found any subway systems yet, thank god - got sick of being trapped in the underground. But yea,

If you're picking up Vanquish you might want to get it at Kmart - you get a $20 coupon off a future videogame purchase and save $30 instantly on select titles including Enslaved, Lords of Shadow, Borderlands GOTY, Dead Rising and some other stuff.

@mironym_k: I'm about halfway through Lord of Shadows - it's solid but doesn't bring anything new to the table. Get Arkham and hold off on LoS.