Also why are people mad about journalists reporting trends?
Also why are people mad about journalists reporting trends?
Bloomberg has a long history of quoting white supremacist talking points and implementing anti-black public policy to deadly effect. He’s “better” than Trump in that he is smarter and wealthier, but you better believe he will continue putting black and brown people against the wall without skipping a step.
Yeah, fuck that old man for trying to tax rich people so he can let the poors see doctors and go to college.
I like Warren and Sanders, and I’ve given them both money.
She should have never come back from her self-imposed exile into the woods.
Also Splinter.
I guess I’ll keep watching Tim’s youtube vids as long as he does this job to keep his medical benefits, but fuckin-a man. How many people are really left here that I read? Like, 3 or 4? How much longer will they stick it out?
I will never forgive my father or my cousins for supporting him, and I don’t think I’ll ever stop apologizing on their behalf.
The Black Hebrew Israelites and the Nation of Islam are out there doing the white supremacist’s PR for them.
Outside of a few specific examples, “canceling” just means a few weeks of being clowned on across social media.
So basically: The world is an ugly place, why is it our responsibility to make our employees and customers the independent drivers and riders who use our service feel more safe or comfortable?
It was intriguing to toy around with and had some promising tech in it, but when I sat down to really play a game with it the thing was so impractical. It was quite disappointed.
Emmerson has always shown Trump relatively close to tying the field in their head to heads, so it doesn’t show much of a change there. By comparison, YouGov still has Trump at 40% against “any” Dem at 49%. Emmerson’s Trump approval scores also tend to skew about 5 or more points higher than everyone else as well.
On point 3, new polls are actually showing Biden losing to Trump.
Can you imagine what would happen if *ANY* other candidate was this dismissive and rude to a person of color? Or the way he ignored what that one climate protester was saying, took a selfie with her and then called her sweetheart and walked away? Or that one anti-Super Pac woman he told “you listen to Bernie too much”…
The Neo-Liberal capitalist commodification of activism halted progress in the ‘90s, slowed it in the ‘00s and set it back in the ‘10s. Pussy hats and Che shirts wont overthrow entrenched hierarchies.
Pete is a corporate tool trying to jump several rungs on the political ladder. He should run for governor or state assembly, prove what he stands for (if anything) and then circle back to try again later.
Deval Patrick worked at Bain fucking Capital. He shielded a family member from prosecution over sex crimes, and said family member went on to commit more sex crimes. If the spotlight shines on him for half a week he’ll be sunk, dead on arrival just like Bloomberg.
To be fair, with effective income and wealth caps through the tax system, what Warren describes as “capitalism” is as far from capitalism as capitalism is from mercantilism. There’s a reason she has the capitalism class clutching their pearls and regretting that they didn’t initially scorch her the way they did Bernie.
You had me at the first half, NGL. Man, what a confused and self-contradicting statement.