
So sorry to disappoint you... I decided to get a degree in electronics, which eventually led me into the electrical power industry. Lots of fun mathematics in poly-phase electrical transmission! I don’t do much experimenting with small internal combustion engines anymore, as my main hobby is restoring small antique

If this is where your mind wandered as a youth, please let me know that you’re now working somewhere along the lines of JPL, SpaceX or Koenigsegg and can help restore my faith in humanity.

I am a bit hesitant to post this... but I suppose confession is good for the soul. In my mis-spent youth, on a quest to get more power from the 5 HP Tecumseh on my go-kart, I built my own rotary valve head. My pathetic engineering skills were matched only by my kindergarten level machinist skills, and the results

CP. In 8 months when Hillary is elected and she bans semi-automatics you’ll have to scrap it.

Any opinion could be seen as offensive by somebody, that doesn’t mean it shouldn’t be shared. This decision DOES affect Clarkson, just as it affects everyone. Like I said becore, it could affect both his tax dollars, and his sense of comfort. Nobody is saying that his opinion is more valid than your own (well some

What you propose is to have a one sided conversation, which is no conversation at all. people always talk about how dialog is important, then immediately attempt to crush it.

And why is that a problem? Why must he give a damn about what you say? Are you paying him? Does he work for you?

That’s just a way of saying anyone who’s opinion is different than yours shouldn’t speak their opinion. People from different backgrounds are going to have different opinions, people from just one background shouldn’t be the ONLY people expressing their opinions.