
Wow Zack. The Other Woman? That episode was a work of genius to me.

Cutler: I hope you all realize this is a pathetic ploy… and a delusion!
Roger: It is, until everybody votes on it.

Nice review Sonia…. but how can you be a true fan of the show if "It's Different For Girls" is your all time favorite episode? That's a solid episode, but nothing compared to the likes of Season 4's "The Son" or Season 3's "Underdogs" or this season's "I Think We Should Have Sex", "Mud Bowl"… c'mon. Not even a top 10

Jane's definition of school in general is so accurate. You could tell it was coming out of CK's head though.

Respectfully disagree.

American Hustle was great. I wish people would stop whining about it. It's the perfect target for people to just hate on because of all the hype it's getting. Jennifer Lawrence was fantastic. Llewyn Davis really was snubbed… but besides that i'm happy with most of these nominations. Shocked that Redford wasn't