
Veritas makes a drill bit who's angle matches a sharpened pencil. For real problem holes just drill it out and glue in a sharpened dowel, cut flush and start over.

@Monkey With A Gun: I was SO waiting for a car to crash into the pole behind them, distracted by the awesomeness.

@zlatan.r: I hope he's listening to music and just doing that from memory...

@OMG! A SeaMonster!!!: And then it turns out he really WAS racing that whole time and is now F1 world champion!

@Rosie's Revenge: I read that story to the family one Easter. It covered for the lateness of the lamb very well.

"No Mr. Bond, I expect you to melt."

@GuardDuck: I raced motorcycles at Daytona once or twice a year for over ten years. I never chipped a tooth but I did leave with a sore sternum from bouncing off the gas tank while tucked in.

@lilwillie: Don't forget the motorcycles either.

Did they take out the bump over the tunnel?

That music is as heinous as the contraption is awesome!

Dad, put some clothes on! The brown acid wore of years ago.

First car I buy with my Lotto winnings is one of these for my Mom, she's wanted one since they were new.

@ccc40821: I always meant to go back but I never did. The memories are great to have though, being passed by Joey Dunlop on the run up the mountain in fog so thick I could barely see 100 feet...

@ccc40821: I didn't learn to drive a car until I was 18 because I grew up in NYC, not that it's like Tokyo, but for an American city perhaps it's the most Tokyo-ish. I took my '90 FZR400 and raced in the Lighweight TT against much newer and faster 400s and of course 250GP bikes. It was needless to say, a blast.

@ccc40821: I stand corrected. It's interesting how one can conflate hearsay into 'fact'. It looks like there are still financial and testing pressures to keep folks on 400cc and under bikes. []

@ccc40821: Unless I'm very mistaken, all bikes in Japan over 400cc are imported (or re-imported) and very expensive, but you are correct, not illegal. I'm not complaining about the vans mind you, just interested in how they are legal (if they are) or how they're allowed to drive around if they're not legal.

How does a country with arcane safety regs (including tiered motorcycle licensing and no home-market bikes over 400cc) allow these on the road?!

@malishka: Ah, thanks. I couldn't suss out what the product was!

I got the company's name, and that they are the best, but what do they do/sell/make?

@Kevin Kowal: I'm going to start reading the newspaper again... you know, just in case.