6" ?! I've never seen a fire bigger than a match I wanted to be 6" away from.
6" ?! I've never seen a fire bigger than a match I wanted to be 6" away from.
Well, it worked kind of, now it says pong...
That sounds great but I'll be at Lime Rock for the SCCA run-offs.
@Jones Foyer: And my DVR stopped on the dot and I missed the last half of the last lap! Stoopid DVR.
@Psiu! Puxa!: Your 244 is the coolest!: Good call.
@Naturally Exasperated shaves his legs. It's just common courtesy.: And it comes with an integral 6-speed gearbox.
@Jones Foyer: That's what I was thinking, man inside one of those cars would be a place to be...
Tagline aside, that is a gorgeous car. 19659 Bel-Air (or Biscayne) ftw!
@Turboner: Um, I've loved cars since my first Matchbox ca. 1969 but I must confess I've never owned one! I've had two Ford vans and over a dozen motorcycles but nothing Jalopnik-worthy unless you count the '65 Alfa that's in my friend's barn that's "mine" as soon as I go get it...
@SinisterSaracen: Well, the backseat is tiny, but I was referring to the cockpit; I found it really toy-like and not in keeping with the beautiful exterior. Granted I've never driven one...
@blehbleh13: you know there are men who love other men, right?
Have they fixed the interior yet? When the TT first came here I was horrified by what I saw and have been afraid to approach one since. The DTM version almost makes me forget...
@Austin Stephen: Unless you're talking about a laptop, you can use a small-ish SSD for booting up and as large a magnetic disc HD as you need for everything else.
It's all fun and games until the piano wants to play; those things are HEAVY.
There were rumors he was into field hockey players...
@jake.valentine: Yeah, but according to the article the police don't have warrantless access to your car when it's in your garage, so they can't install the tracker.
There's a 3-screen drive-in just north of Providence RI, still $20 per carload and shows first-run movies. It has a snack bar or BYO.
@BearDownCBears: you made me laugh out loud, while babysitting. Wait, is it called babysitting if it's your own kid?
@dolo54 blows minds and blows engines!: No, Limelight is on a corner where the front and RIGHT side of the building is visible.