
They probably released it in order of sales/generated income, which would put PC at last in most lists.

What, you're gonna complain about this now too - that's what 10mins of downloading

You're doing a bang-up job at it.

HE was underwhelmed by it, I think in part because he's not an huge Marvel fan (well, he's only just started reading comics, but 31 is better late than never I guess), so it wasn't as interesting to him I don't think.

Probably not as much as it would cost to make.

Because that's the biggest problem with all of this...

Don't they also use their bible as proof of god's existence?

Is it bad I lent my friend a copy of Marvels to ruin Stacey's story line?

Sly Stallone, that's what causes brain freeze.

I love the American's here who actually think they'll go to jail - you're not that up on the British justice system.

They have to generate interest in that game somehow.

When you click Ryan Cleary's name it takes you to a FFXI article. [kotaku.com]

No, but all that cock you suck does.

Until recently I lived just down the road from Porton Down ([en.wikipedia.org]) which was always nice, as I knew I'd be gone in the first strike of any attack on the UK.

You missed out the uncomfortably un-erotic sex scene to a random 70's song.

Bought my IMAX experience Dark Knight Rises tickets today \o/ managed to get 23rd July :-D

"Rumor has it Zack Snyder's Superman movie will feature some extensive sequences on a war-torn Krypton. It's not clear exactly how this will work"

That was partly due to the terms of the handover.

So, you're saying if I drink a bottle of bleach to kill those bacteria I'd be five pounds lighter?