
Well heaven forbid they do it themselves.

I think getting stuck on the terminology non computer geeks use versus those the media at large use is rather pathetic.

Dragon Age for my money was one of the best RPGs this generation - really enjoyed every moment of it.

I agree, there were plenty of times in contested territory I was happily grinding with members of the other faction, (that sound way dirtier than it should), or saved/been saved by someone who could have killed me with their little finger.

Well, actually I admitted to taking the opposing opinion of someone to amuse myself, that's not really trolling now is it?

We didn't think they'd put up much of a fight to keep it, being all religious and all.

I jus found it odd, not played the game in years - I thought this was a forum for opinions, my mistake.

You just encapsulated the Internet in a sentence there.


I've never understood why they didn't allow Horde and Alliance to communicate - it could have added an extra dimension to the PvP.

My car stereo does the same thing: connects straight to the iPod and then uses its 24-bit DAC to do all the processing, the results are fantastic, (assuming the source recording is good enough)

Which film are we on about Highlander or Wolverine, as the former had a load of changes and the latter had a few different takes/readings used.

That's one of those show's I've only ever heard the name of! Don't think it plays here.

" In the beginning, it was easy. I said, 'This is the script, we're shooting it, let's go to work.' Now they're all superstars."

It's an old game, but Lost Odyssey was a step in the right direction, flawed but a good try.

Is it because I said cunt?

Oh, I'm as guilty as the next person at doing it - catch me on a bad day and I feel like being a cunt and I'll play devil's advocate all day just to piss someone off.

I guess we're just lucky in the UK then - we'll have legalised gay marriage by 2015 even though today the Church of England is doing it's best "booga booga [or however you spell that]" angry sky god silliness, the irony being the bill proposed expressly states a church is under no obligation to do it lol.

lmao, I can't read that without hearing the accent.

Highlander: The Source was "leaked" nearly a year before its release date, they then did a bunch of "re editing", apparently in an effort to make it even shitter.