
lmao, "I am not against gays or anything, " is right up there with, "I'm not racist, but..."

This guy doesn't have any problems...

Ghosts are right up there with religion for me - the realm of idiots and short buses.

Same with flipping burgers and being targets for road side bombs I guess.

Stan probably also kept repeating his age and asked when pudding was coming - the guy just does PR these days, he goes somewhere and says what he's asked to, (don't get me wrong the guy is awesome and it's amazing he's still doing it - bu I don't think he's "in the loop").

I'm still hoping for an Idris Elba James Bond so let's keep him bit parting in Thor and able to take over Bond!

Dude is so black he was born in Africa twice?

lmao - you clearly feel like some form of molester for finding her attractive - projecting much?

What exactly did "Retake Mass Effect" achieve, except a massive marketing and PR coup for Bioware?


I'd say they're using the term random rather loosely though.

Marvel are already doing this with their comic books, (well AvsX anyway).

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It's something to weigh out! Personally I love cheese!

That's actually a great recipe, (if you fill in the missing steps - it tells you to chop a carrot then never tells you to put it in the damn pot).

But their love is like The Fountain!

I'm attracted to FF on there though, (I'm assuming the PSN versions are PSV compatible?), as I am lazy enough to not want to boot up the PS3 to just play FF.

I know - if he was Japanese fair enough he doesn't like cheese, (being Japanese trumps that one), but the guy is a wasp, he either likes cheese or he's gay.

I'm bisexual so I know very well the situation a lot of people in the gay community fall into in order to "conform", especially in generations before me, (being born in '82 I at least have had less hatred compared to those who came before me) - so I'f fine with it, One Million Moms, (I know fringe nutters) posed the

I'll let ya off then!