
Thanks for the write up - I'll have to see it twice as my friend gets sick during 3D films, so I'll have to catch it in 3D before seeing it in 2D with him.

Meh, lost me at not playing a Jedi - it's Star Wars ffs.

Get a better PC?

Yeah that has to be fake, because if it's not - why the fuck was the guy filming her in the first place and why isn't that been brought up!?

See, I don't buy games for multiplayer, (so sorry you lost me at 'not played campaign') - I hear what you're saying and I do love co-oping with a friend, but to me Ghost Recon has always been about campaign mode and planning and executing amazing raids or actions using tactics, the campaign has always been a really

Their idea of high quality is not my idea of half decent quality - but like I said it's a great service to have alongside DAB and for when you don't have your music collection handy or to try new music before you buy.

My favourite Hutz line?

I'm sorry but there is simply no such thing as typical drug behaviour, most people react in totally different way to most drugs, anyone who has been out on a Friday night will know this.

I miss him - some of the best Simpsons, (actually all the best), episodes starred Phil :(

I guess these people pay VAT and income tax on what they make from illegally selling pot to you.

The biggest irony for me?

Drugs are bad, mkay. Anybody who chooses to buy them chooses to give money to organised criminals and fund many of the "social" problems that plague the world today.

I just pushed the credit button - seemed like a cheaper option!

I always liked Windjammers, awesome, awesome game.

Well this is an oddly timed article, considering the entire right hand site of my browser is currently trying to sell me one of these.

Ahh Metal Slug, how I misspent my youth.

I always hear this bullshit about a consumer selling on their property - that's fine, but software is licensed, not sold, you agree to an EULA with every game and app you buy.

Actually the higher crime rates are more social issue in London compared to the North, and really comparing London with Manchester and Liverpool is unfair mainly down to the size of the cities.

Is it wrong I now want that pic as the background on my phone?

Yet once you've served the punishment for the crime you should be allowed to rejoin society as a free person.