
"I dated some others but the attraction there was much milder to non-existent in one case (I ended things fast because I was scared it was going to lead to a lifetime of pretending since I liked plenty of other things about him)."

Hey, message me on TIF if you're ever thinking of doing one in San Fran. I got a new car so I could travel, so I'd be game for that.

I think this season has seen a bit of a misstep with Bellamy, but for the most part it takes really interesting choices and does a lot of work in the background that doesn't come up until much later. I'm thinking the acid fog in Season 1 actually being a defense from the Mountain Men. I don't think the show has the

Neither am I, but it's great.

Gotta include The 100, though it had some growing pains. So 4, with some others that could probably be put up there if you're fans of the genre.

I read that article and it was only that she was supposed to be in the first 12 straight, not that she's getting written off. And this was all before filming so there definitely could have been rewrites. Sometimes entire characters are written out of scripts because the actor is sick so who knows what's happened. I

There's no way they're getting rid of Luisa. Killing Rose was just as much about progressing her story as it was Jane's. I'm really frustrated with it because Rose and Luisa were one of my favorite things about the show in Season 1 and killing her in this moment felt wrong and almost purely for plot. However, it's a

Yeah, there really aren't that many great GBTs right now. Tons of wonderful Ls. Actually, at least one other great B on The 100.

Padma was a plot device and so the show could show that Nolan was bi. Had there been any real buildup or character allowing chemistry she could have worked. As she was, she was a means to an end. It would have made a million times more sense to hook Nolan up with The Falcon, that wonderful hacker, but Season 2 just

Nolan had almost no sexual chemistry with anyone outside of Tyler. I'd say he almost had it with Louise, but the way she was into him made him push against her. Nolan likes people who use and abuse him and she started to genuinely like Nolan in a way that had nothing to do with Emily. I love him, but boy had some

I think how Jane the Virgin uses them to emphasize whatever theme they're exploring in the episode is pretty great, though.

I found someway to figure it out with the Season 2 episodes, but I don't remember what it was. I think it may have been that they were talking? I need to rewatch it.

Completely agree. I know a lot of people thought they were too long, but they always get me pumped when I'm watching an episode.

My comment still stands.

A year late as always.

Hey, you want some cheese and crackers, buddy?

Thanks! I'm sad I wasn't around to discuss things more, but I'm rarely around AVC anymore. Had to post here for the finale, though.

2012 was one of my worst years. I had been dealing with a breakup that broke my mentally in ways I didn't know I could be broken. That summer I went back to Disney World for the first time since my College Program had ended to see all the friends I had made while I was there. Yet the entire time I couldn't stop

The Internet took way too long on this and ruined my plan to go to bed at a decent hour. Oh well, it's up now.