The Husky Bro

Currently the LoSH isn't in the comics at all


Wonder Woman, Lois Lane and Ally McBeal walk into a bar…

The President is Durlan! A Durlan got shot down by a Daxamite! The eternal Legion Of Super Heroes fan in my totally spazzed out at all of that



Man, if you kids don't stop bringing up Galaxy Quest every other post…

You finished or is you done?

I liked Byrne's FF run way more than I did Hickman's so…

Sigh. You're aren't interested in discourse, either. Go away with your holier than thou bullshit and celebrate Agents getting another season.

Jack Kirby blows cigar smoke in your face from The Negative Zone

Sheesh. Go away, you big baby.


Thank you!

You chill, dude.

How the hell am I to know that you're not from America, dude?

They cancelled The Molly Ephraim Show? Damn you ABC

Sigh. I'm not attacking you.

South America? Oh, okay, well up around these parts, a lot of idiots would take a character like Speedy and twist the fun into something disrespectful.
